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  1. [WRAPLEFT][/WRAPLEFT]Μετά απο αρκετό καιρό αποχής, ο hipro5 the Demolition Man, ανέβασε αποτελέσματα του στο Futuremark ORB επιτυγχάνοντας ούτε λίγο ούτε πολύ 10 Παγκόσμια ρεκόρ και άλλα 7 πλασαρίσματα στην πρώτη 10άδα ! Ο εξοπλισμός τους ήταν "απλός" όπως ακολουθεί : Τροφοδοτικό: hipro-tech 1200Watts Μητρικές: ASUS Rampage Extreme και ASUS P5E3 WS Pro Κάρτες γραφικών: ASUS Top 4870x2 και Gigabyte 4870x2 και 4870 Ψύξη: Υγρό άζωτο στον επεξεργαστή και στις 2 Gigabyte 4870 οι 4870x2 ήταν ακόμα με αέρα. Μνήμες: Μία Cellshock PC14400 και μία GSKILL PC12800C7 με τα Micron D9GTR chips Ενώ μέχρι το τέλος της εβδομάδας μας υποσχέθηκε και άλλα Παγκόσμια Ρεκόρ ! Με την προσθήκη των χθεσινών αποτελεσμάτων απο τους TASOS, mortisboy,giorgos th. ,stelaras καθώς και το rampage του hipro5, η HOT aka Hellas Overclocking Team βρέθηκε πάλι στην κορυφή του κόσμου στην παγκόσμια κατάταξη του μετά απο περίπου 8 μήνες ! Τα χθεσινά αποτελέσματα του hipro5 : Πλησιάζοντας πάλι στον θρόνο του ? : Η Hellas Overclocking Team στην κορυφή του κόσμου ( αν και τώρα η διαφορά έχει μεγαλώσει κατά πολύ) : Διαβάστε περισσότερα για την Παγκόσμια κατάταξη εδώ . . . Διαβάστε περισσσότερα για τον hipro5 εδώ . . . Δείτε αναλυτικά τα αποτελέσματα του hipro5 εδώ . . .
  2. [WRAPLEFT][/WRAPLEFT]Ο δικτυακός τόπος του hwbot, με την βοήθεια του γνωστού υπερχρονιστή SF3D, προσφέρει μία μικρή έκτπωση για τα μέλη του στο πασίγνωστο μετροπρόγραμμα 3DMark Vantage ! Το μόνο που έχετε να κάνετε είναι free registration στο και στην συνέχεια να πάτε στην σελίδα της Futuremark εδώ και να βάλετε το promotion key που θα σας δωθεί για να πάρετε το 3DMark Vantage Με $14.95 ! Σε όσους είναι ήδη μέλη, ένα απλό Log In αρκεί. Η προσφορά ισχύει μέχρι σήμερα, οπότε βιαστείτε . Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ . . .
  3. [WRAPLEFT][/WRAPLEFT]Πάει καιρός απο τότε που είχαμε μια τρανταχτή είδηση όσον αφορά τα scores που έκαναν τα μέλη της Hellas Overclocking Team aka H.O.T. αλλά απο εχθές πάλι που "κάποιοι" παρέλαβαν νέο hardware και νέα παιχνίδια για ψύξη _ονόματα δέν λέμε, σπίτια δέν θίγουμε_ κάνανε πάλι την Futuremark και το BOT να χορέυουν με τους ρυθμούς τους ! Απο την αριστερή γωνία λοιπόν ένας απο τους συνήθεις ύποπτους με την κωδική ονομασία "Gprhellas" (άραγε το όνομα βγήκε απο το gpr_HELL_as ή από κάπου αλλού?) και στην δεξιά γωνία ο Stelaras(το κωδικό όνομα είναι σαφέστατο πώς βγήκε απο το Στέλιος , οπότε δέν θα αναλωθώ σε παραπάνω πληροφορίες ) !Τι κάνανε αυτοί οι δύο κύριοι? Ο Mr. Πατέντας aka Gpr(τον λέμε πατέντα επειδή ποτέ δέν χρησιμοποιεί ορθόδοξους τρόπους να κάνει κάτι με τα pc parts του, πάντα κάνει πατέντες) κατόρθωσε να σπάσει πρώτοςτο φράγμα των 30Κ Marks στο 3Dmark06 με μονή(μονή διπλή σε 1 PCI-E μπάινει , οπότε την λέμε μονή) κάρτα περνώντας τον k|ngp|n ! Το συνολικό του score ήταν 30045marks αλλά ένα πουλάκι μας είπε πώς έχει και backup σε περίπτωση έκτακτης ανάγκης) ! Την συνολική βαθμολογία στην κατηγορία μονής κάρτας στο HWBot μπορείτε να δείτε εδώ. Το Futuremark Link εδώ. Και το κανονικό του πόστ στο HWBox εδώ. Αξιοσημείωτο είναι και ο τρόπος ψύξης που χρησιμοποίησε που μπορείτε να τον δείτε εδώ ! Καλή συνέχεια στα ρεκόρ σου και στις πατέντες σου πατεντιάρη άντρα ! Ο δέυτερος καλεσμένος μας(ο οποίος bencharei μόνο μετά τα μεσάνυχτα και έχει κάνει την νύχτα μέρα, και πάντα benchaρει με κοστούμι) έπιασε στα χέρια του μία καινούρια GTX280(όχι δέν την χάλασε ακόμα) την οποία άνοιξε,την ξεβράκωσε,της έκανε μια μίνι εγχείρηση και εμφύτευση κάποιων "πραγμάτων", την ξαναβράκωσε με ρουχαλάκια για χειμώνα, της κούμπωσε και ένα evaporator(όπως καταλαβαίνεται, μόνο δέν παντρέυτηκανε, όλα τα άλλα τα κάνανε) και έσπασε όλα τα ρεκόρ στην κατηγορία μονής κάρτας στα 3Dmark01_03_05_06(για την ακρίβεια εδώ ήταν δέυτερος, αλλά στην καρδιά μας θα είσαι πάντα πρώτος ) όπως θα δείτε και με λεπτομέρειες σε αυτό εδώ το θέμα ! Με λίγα λόγια, ο Στέλιος και ο Γιώργος μοιράσανε πολύ πόνο και εμπειρία και περιμένουμε και συνέχεια απο αυτούς αλλά και απο άλλους Έλληνες overclocker να συνεχίσουν τα ρεκόρ και τις προσπάθειές του και να μας ξανα ανεβάσουνε στην πρώτη θέση του BOT και πάλι ! Stay HWBoxed For more
  4. [WRAPLEFT][/WRAPLEFT]Για όλους εμάς αλλά και για όλον τον υπόλοιπο κόσμο, κατόπιν πολλών διαμαχών αλλά και αντιθέσεων στις απόψεις πολλών μελών σχετικά με τους όρους του BOT, η ομάδα του δημιούργησε ένα θέμα όπου ο καθένας μπορεί άφοβα να καταθέσει την γνώμη του και να πέι τι θεωρεί λάθος και τι όχι....ή τι μπορεί να βελτιωθεί ! Ξοδέψτε 5 λεπτάκια απο τον χρόνο σας και πείτε την γνώμη σας ή τι θα θέλατε να αλλάξει προς το καλύτερο ώστε να γίνει ακόμα καλύτερη και πιο δίκαια η "νομοθεσία" του hwbot ! Πάντα με καλό τρόπο, χωρίς ειρωνία και χωρίς υπόνοια διαμάχης, πιστέυω πώς θα κάνει καλό σε εμάς αλλά και σε όλους του υπόλοιπους ! [ Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ...]
  5. [wrapleft][/wrapleft]Σύμφωνα με τα rankings του Member Hall Of Fame στην ιστοσελίδα του, οι 3 πρώτοι overclocker του κόσμου ανήκουν στην Hellas Overclocking Team και είναι οι : Νο.1 ---> Hipro5 με 1368.2 πόντους Νο.2 ---> gprhellas με 983.3 πόντους Νο.3 ---> mickeymouse με 956.8 πόντους Μέσα στην πρώτη 100άδα ανήκουν επίσης οι : No.23 giorgos th. με 568.9 πόντους No.27 tsan με 541.8 πόντους No.29 elefsinaras με 534.9 πόντους No.55 TASOS με 444.7 πόντους Για την κατάταξη περισσοτέρων μελών της H.O.T μπορείτε να πατήσετε εδώ. Ευχόμαστε με το καλό ,να έχουμε σύντομα και άλλα μέλη μας μέσα στο TOP 100 στην παγόσμια κατάταξη του
  6. PCMark Vantage Ranking ---------------------------------------------------- PCMark Vantage measures system performance under Windows Vista. download here Rules - don't use multiple nicknames - only post scores belonging to you - default settings - include a screenshot or a futuremark compareurl of the result Guidelines - format your score as follows: [hwbot] score - system description [/hwbot] - try not to use abbreviations. eg. 'opteron 146' is ok, '146' is too short. - format processor overclock like 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' or 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz', format videocard speed as 'R9800 @ 350/333Mhz'. - allowed score formats: '12345' or '12345 3dmarks' or '12345 marks' - don't use text layout (bold, italic) or hyperlinks in your system description. bot info moderators: GoriLLakoS, pclab, RootX, darkCount, Stelaras, TASOS, deadlock7, mortisboy, hipro5, Costas members who changed team: no one options: update ranking now team ranking - hall of fame rank - top 10 average - team name - weekly & monthly rankchange - links 1. 10782.00 Bench Tec UK - ~ ~ - website - forum 2. 9091.90 HardwareLuxx Germany - ~ ~ - website 3. 8071.00 PC Games Hardware - ~ ~ - website - forum 4. 7633.40 OC Forums - ~ ~ - website - forum 5. 7230.00 PURE - +2 +2 - website ... 8. 6074.30 Hardwareoverclock - ~ ~ - website 9. 5847.80 H.O.T. - ~ +4 - website - forum 10. 5802.90 - ~ -1 - website - forum member ranking - hall of fame - more 1. dafridgie (Bench Tec UK) - 24285.00 - Single Stage cooling @ -29oC, 4x X25-e 32GB SSd 2. Nizzen (OC team Norway) - 24154.00 - no description 3. sacha35 (Bench Tec UK) - 22088.00 - Intel SSDSA2SH064G1GC Drives, ... 1. jax7480 - 19358 marks - Core i7 920@4030mhz - no description 2. Chosen - 10293 marks - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4500mhz - E8400 E0 @ 4500MHz 1.34V, Axeram 2x2Gb 1000MHz 5-5-5-15 1.92V, Asus P5Q-Deluxe, Asus 280 GTX @ Defaults, Acard ANS-9010 DDR2 Ramdrive, 3. dimpah - 5987 marks - Phenom X4 9950@3328mhz - no description 4. biller - 5746 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3500.70mhz - no description 5. TASOS - 5504 marks - Celeron LGA775 E1400@4340mhz - next run will be with one iRam 6. Pokemon640 - 3303 marks - Athlon 64 4600+ X2 Windsor@2750mhz - no description 7. George_o/c - 2875 marks - Core 2 T5750 (2Ghz)@1995mhz - no description 8. darkman16 - 2856 marks - Pentium 4 'D' 945@3400mhz - no description 9. captaingr - 2556 marks - Core 2 T5550 (1.83Ghz)@1829mhz - HP Pavillion dv9710ev PCMark Vantage Athlon 64 X2 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. (Hardwareoverclock) - 5100.00 - no description 2. Alex@Lion ( Team) - 5093.00 - no description 3. RemiKo (United Team of Poland) - 4771.00 - Test run on my new Raid 0 (2x Samsung HD252HJ) and new Crucial Ballistix PC8500 memory. Everything is super stable. ... 1. Pokemon640 - 3303 marks - Athlon 64 4600+ X2 Windsor@2750mhz - no description PCMark Vantage Core 2 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. TASOS (H.O.T.) - 5504.00 - next run will be with one iRam 2. WilliamTC (AwardFabrik) - 5142.00 - no description 3. chispy (PURE) - 4614.00 - no description ... 1. TASOS - 5504 marks - Celeron LGA775 E1400@4340mhz - next run will be with one iRam PCMark Vantage Core 2 Duo subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Chosen (H.O.T.) - 10293.00 - E8400 E0 @ 4500MHz 1.34V, Axeram 2x2Gb 1000MHz 5-5-5-15 1.92V, Asus P5Q-Deluxe, Asus 280 GTX @ Defaults, Acard ANS-9010 DDR2 Ramdrive, 2. maries11 ( - 10154.00 - no description 3. mkultra (XtremeSystems) - 9447.00 - no description ... 1. Chosen - 10293 marks - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4500mhz - E8400 E0 @ 4500MHz 1.34V, Axeram 2x2Gb 1000MHz 5-5-5-15 1.92V, Asus P5Q-Deluxe, Asus 280 GTX @ Defaults, Acard ANS-9010 DDR2 Ramdrive, PCMark Vantage Core 2 Mobile subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. mgoode (OC Forums) - 5992.00 - no description 2. walhalla (PC Games Hardware) - 4920.00 - no description 3. Pr0X - 3974.00 - CPU Overclock + SSD + Windows 7 beta (build 7000) ... 1. George_o/c - 2875 marks - Core 2 T5750 (2Ghz)@1995mhz - no description 2. captaingr - 2556 marks - Core 2 T5550 (1.83Ghz)@1829mhz - HP Pavillion dv9710ev PCMark Vantage Core 2 Quad subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. prysk ( - 13382.00 - no description 2. chispy (PURE) - 13139.00 - Testing ACARD ANS 9010 in Raid0 in Nvidia raid Controller. 3. Sam__ (Bench Tec UK) - 12194.00 - no description ... 1. jax7480 - 7799 marks - Core 2 Q9300 (2.5Ghz)@3375mhz - EVerything on AIR. 2. biller - 5746 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3500.70mhz - no description PCMark Vantage Core i7 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. hifiking (OC team Norway) - 20219.00 - no description 2. jax7480 (H.O.T.) - 19358.00 - no description 3. justin.kerr (XtremeSystems) - 18164.00 - no description ... 1. jax7480 - 19358 marks - Core i7 920@4030mhz - no description PCMark Vantage Pentium 4 Dual Core subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. jabski (Bench Tec UK) - 3396.00 - no description 2. KAPTAN54 (Shaman) - 3271.00 - no description 3. $TR!K3R! ( - 3107.00 - OMG ... 1. darkman16 - 2856 marks - Pentium 4 'D' 945@3400mhz - no description PCMark Vantage Pentium 4 s478 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Student ( Team) - 2103.00 - no description 2. TASOS (H.O.T.) - 1631.00 - no description ... 1. TASOS - 1631 marks - Pentium 4 1.8Ghz Northwood@3600mhz - no description PCMark Vantage Phenom X4 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. rookz (HardwareLuxx Germany) - 8444.00 - no description 2. gerikoh ( - 7008.00 - all at stock cooling 3. vad78 (Russian Overs Team) - 6002.00 - no description ... 1. dimpah - 5987 marks - Phenom X4 9950@3328mhz - no description generated by hwbot - -
  7. [WRAPLEFT][/WRAPLEFT]Πρίν απο λίγες ημέρες τα μέλη του TeamOCX ξανά-άρχισαν να benchάρουν ύστερα απο περίπου 9 μήνες απουσίας, και ανεβαίνανε απειλητικά πρός την κορυφή. Σήμερα προσπέρασαν την ελληνική ομάδας μας aka H.O.T Hellas Overclocking Team και μας ρίξανε στην 4η θέση της παγκόσμιας κατάταξης. Στην συνολική τους βαθμολογία βοήθησε αρκετά η ενσωμάτωση της Ισπανικής ομάδας Overclocking ES καθώς και η επανέναρξη των προσπαθειών τους, ενώ ταυτόχρονα είναι η ομάδα με τα λιγότερα results στην πρώτη 5άδα. Σας καλούμε λοιπόν να ξαναρχίσετε τις προσπάθειες σας με τον ίδιο ζήλο που είχατε δείξει όλοι όταν "κυνηγούσαμε" την πρώτη θέση πρίν 3 μήνες . O καιρός είναι κατάλληλος και μπορείτε όλοι να benchαρετε και στο μπαλκόνι σας τις βραδινές ώρες... [ Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ...]
  8. PCMark 2005 Ranking ---------------------------------------------------- PCMark 2005 is a popular benchmark application to measure processor / memory / harddrive performance. download here Rules - don't use multiple nicknames - only post scores belonging to you - leave everything to default - include a screenshot or a futuremark compareurl of the result Guidelines - format your score as follows: [hwbot] score - system description [/hwbot] - try not to use abbreviations. eg. 'opteron 146' is ok, '146' is too short. - format processor overclock like 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' or 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz', format videocard speed as 'R9800 @ 350/333Mhz'. - allowed score formats: '12345' or '12345 marks' - don't use text layout (bold, italic) or hyperlinks in your system description. bot info moderators: GoriLLakoS, pclab, RootX, darkCount, Stelaras, TASOS, deadlock7, mortisboy, hipro5, Costas members who changed team: no one options: update ranking now team ranking - hall of fame rank - top 10 average - team name - weekly & monthly rankchange - links 1. 27487.50 PURE - ~ ~ - website 2. 26223.20 Bench Tec UK - ~ ~ - website - forum 3. 26090.90 H.O.T. - ~ ~ - website - forum 4. 21724.50 - +1 +2 - website - forum 5. 21410.00 Madshrimps Belgium OC Team - -1-1 - website - forum ... member ranking - hall of fame - more 1. pro (Team Australia) - 32397.00 - GIGABYTE X58 UD4P, Sapphire VAPOR-X 4890 @ 1050/1100, 4x Gigabyte I-RAMS, 4x SSD (GSKILL Falcon/INTEL X25M), 2x DDRDRIVE DDRDRIVE.COM, ADAPTEC 5805 and CORSAIR 2000 C7 + CORSAIR HX1000! 2. AndreYang (PURE) - 31292.00 - 1*Acard and OCZ SSD tested. GA mobo is good for PC mark05. 3. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 30609.00 - Not bad....I'll keep on.... ) ... 1. hipro5 - 30609 marks - Core 2 QX9770 (3.2Ghz)@5708mhz - Not bad....I'll keep on.... ) 2. Dinos111 - 28646 marks - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5451mhz - Test. (Next time, Cpu & Vga under LN2) 3. Stelaras - 28311 marks - Core i7 Extreme 965@4900mhz - Intel i7 965 @ 4900mhz / GTX295 @ 800/1290Mhz 4. Aristidis - 27579 marks - Core i7 920@5090mhz - no description 5. gprhellas - 26258 marks - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5431mhz - 8800GTX on air (3 iRams) H.O.T. POWER (i love you guys) 6. jax7480 - 25276 marks - Core i7 950@4528mhz - no description 7. elefsinaras - 25185 marks - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5403mhz - this is the REAL VENDOYZA --- only with 2 X iRAMs , 8. mortisboy - 23462 marks - Core i7 Extreme 965@4890mhz - Perc 5/i with 2xMtron3525 + 2xOCZv2@ RAID0 9. mickeymouse - 23349 marks - Core i7 Extreme 965@4848mhz - 2x 30gig vertex ssd drive test 10. giorgos th. - 22234 marks - Core i7 Extreme 965@4575mhz - Server 2K8 - 1x i-ram... 11. Chosen - 21038 marks - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4510mhz - E8400 @ 4510MHz, Asus P5Q Deluxe, Axeram @ 1002MHz 5-5-5-15, GF 280GTX @ defaults, Acard ANS-9010 DDR2 Solid State Disk 12. TASOS - 20611 marks - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@5354mhz - with 1x iRam 13. BenchZowner - 20342 marks - Core i7 920@4309mhz - no description 14. varachio - 20085 marks - Core i7 920@4305mhz - no description 15. zafiropo - 19036 marks - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@5050mhz - E8600 @ 5050mhz GTX295 @ 694/1105Mhz 16. tsan - 16646 marks - Core 2 QX9770 (3.2Ghz)@4200mhz - no description 17. o polonos - 15550 marks - Core 2 E6850 (3.0Ghz)@4455mhz - Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 @ 4455 DI - Asus P5K - E - 8800 GTX 658/1058 - Single I-Ram - TeamGroup 1200 - Eleven Pot 18. Daidalos - 13465 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3917mhz - no description 19. christosjr1 - 13287 marks - Phenom II X4 940@3718mhz - no description 20. HighT3ch - 13090 marks - Core 2 E8500 (3.17Ghz)@4892mhz - no description 21. x47 - 12754 marks - Pentium 4 965@5225mhz - no description 22. kintaro - 12708 marks - Core 2 Q9550 (2.83Ghz)@4548mhz - no description 23. Borg - 12634 marks - Core 2 Q9300 (2.5Ghz)@3562mhz - Q9300 @ 3562Mhz - Asus P5Q - Team xtreme 2x1GB @ 1195 5-5-5-15 - PowerColor 3870 24. KChris - 11763 marks - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4500mhz - no description 25. dread77 - 11672 marks - Core 2 E8500 (3.17Ghz)@4560mhz - no description 26. AN7 OverClocker - 11391 marks - Core 2 E6850 (3.0Ghz)@4100mhz - no description 27. viper - 11133 marks - Phenom X4 9950@3525mhz - Phenom X4 9950 @ 3525mhz / 4850 28. LuNaTiC - 11100 marks - Phenom II X4 940@3010.10mhz - just put my mem @ 1066mhz 29. dimpah - 11091 marks - Phenom X4 9950@3328mhz - no description 30. ageorge2500 - 10766 marks - Phenom II X4 955 BE@3995.70mhz - no description 31. mariosalice - 10709 marks - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@3713mhz - no description 32. Vediovis - 10682 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3888mhz - no description 33. zavlakas - 10644 marks - Core 2 Q6700 (2.66Ghz)@3510mhz - no description 34. AMDnord+Reselie - 10612 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3700mhz - no description 35. NIKOSE - 10570 marks - Core 2 QX6700 (2.66Ghz)@4152mhz - no description 36. phil - 10464 marks - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4000mhz - no description 37. Master_Rex - 10425 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3600mhz - no description 38. nickstamat - 10397 marks - Core 2 E8200 (2.67Ghz)@4080mhz - no description 39. Nick_p - 10333 marks - Core 2 X6800 (2.93Ghz)@4502mhz - no description 40. Spyrus - 10226 marks - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4500mhz - 9x500@600-5-5-5-4-2T@Asus Maximus Formula@Corsair Value 800 on HR-07@TRUE120+Papst-Air 41. Shadow Hunter - 10098 marks - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4302.20mhz - no description 42. panoc - 10082 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3744mhz - Q6600@3744 - ATI HD3850 @ 720/1020 43. DidicolA - 9978 marks - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3762mhz - E6600@3762Mhz / 8800gt@700-1000 44. Thodoris21 - 9923 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3807mhz - no description 45. chris_oktabit - 9908 marks - Phenom II X4 810@3406mhz - no description 46. ReaperX - 9788 marks - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3800mhz - Asus Commando,2x1gb Team Xtreem @ 1055MHz 5-4-5-10,custom w/c 47. ganastasiou - 9780 marks - Phenom II X3 720 BE@2800mhz - no description 48. ppaylos - 9629 marks - processor unknown - no description 49. dimcar - 9066 marks - Pentium 4 955 EE@5040mhz - no description 50. babis2k - 9006 marks - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3608mhz - C2D E6600@3608MHz 51. kitsos321 - 8994 marks - Phenom X3 8650@2852mhz - no description 52. dark22 - 8929 marks - Core 2 E4600 (2.4Ghz)@3564mhz - no description 53. stealth - 8828 marks - Celeron LGA775 E1200@3274mhz - no description 54. panos16 - 8614 marks - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@3825mhz - no description 55. fafoylis - 8592 marks - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@3888mhz - no description 56. Guard1an - 8590 marks - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3200mhz - Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 @ 3200 Mhz - Asus P5N-E SL I - 2GB DDR2 4-3-3-8 - Scythe Infinity - XFX 8800GTS XT 320MB @ 560/1700 Mhz - WD 320 GB 16MB Cache 57. Insane - 8541 marks - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz)@3430mhz - no description 58. polonos - 8162 marks - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3761mhz - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3761 - Asus Commando - CellShock 1000 - XFX 8500 GT @ 640/531 - H2O 59. JimmyFox - 8041 marks - Phenom X4 9750@2640mhz - no description 60. jimakos - 8023 marks - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3480mhz - Amd Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ 3480mhz on Water, XFX GeForce 8800 GTS 320mb @ 656mhz/1003mhz on Water 61. psilos - 7798 marks - Core 2 X6800 (2.93Ghz)@3700mhz - no description 62. soki - 7495 marks - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3552mhz - no description 63. Magnus - 7470 marks - Core 2 Q9450 (2.67Ghz)@3200mhz - no description 64. STELIOSVIPER - 7450 marks - Opteron 165 90nm@3168mhz - no description 65. Strategos - 7339 marks - Opteron 165 90nm@2997mhz - no description 66. soulclaimer - 7288 marks - Athlon 64 3600+ X2 Brisbane@3081mhz - no description 67. papatsonis - 7222 marks - Athlon 64 5200+ X2 Windsor@3364mhz - 68. Candyman - 7124 marks - Athlon 64 6400+ X2@3200mhz - no description 69. Webhunter - 7118 marks - Core 2 E6850 (3.0Ghz)@3600mhz - no description 70. George_o/c - 7105 marks - Pentium 4 3.0Ghz Northwood@4155mhz - P4 3GHz @ 4155MHz @ 1.825Vcore | Asus P4P800-E Deluxe (un-modded :-() | OCZ PC4000 VX 1GB 250MHz @ 277MHz 3-3-3-8 @ 2.85Vmem (not optimized at all) | X1650 @ 641/535 MHz ... easy ... (Why can't I change the memory rating, it's PC4000 and not PC2700 71. dracosc - 6686 marks - Athlon 64 5600+ X2@3250mhz - no description 72. crio - 6271 marks - Core 2 E4500 (2.2Ghz)@3000mhz - e4500 on rampage testing!!!!!!!!!!!! 73. tonyspanos - 6255 marks - Core 2 T7500 (2.2Ghz)@2200mhz - no description 74. tifozif1 - 6059 marks - Pentium 4 'D' 805@3666mhz - New disks Raid0 2x Seagate 320GB 7200.10 75. nicksoti - 5963 marks - Athlon 64 3600+ X2 Brisbane@2812mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Athlon 64 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Alex@Lion ( Team) - 11455.00 - no description 2. Turrican (Team OCX) - 9096.00 - DFI LP UT nf4 Ultra-D, 1Gb Mushkin Redline, I-Ram Raid-0 3. IceCube (Russian Overs Team) - 8175.00 - no description ... 1. ageorge2500 - 4845 marks - Athlon 64 LE-1600@3564.20mhz - no description 2. soulclaimer - 4779 marks - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3027mhz - no description 3. killer55555 - 4481 marks - Athlon 64 3500+ Clawhammer@2730mhz - no description 4. Rhondia - 4367 marks - Athlon 64 3500+ Orleans@2530mhz - no description 5. ultraex2003 - 3558 marks - Athlon 64 3200+ Winchester@2400mhz - a64 3200@2400 asus 6800le@gt 400/800 all air 6. MadCatMk2 & cR@ZyBiLlYs.exe - 3197 marks - Athlon 64 3200+ Newcastle@2376mhz - Hardware: All MadCatMk2 7. Vediovis - 2486 marks - Athlon 64 3500+ Orleans - office computer! 8. chris_oktabit - 2418 marks - Athlon 64 3000+ Newcastle s754@2043mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Athlon 64 X2 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Alex@Lion ( Team) - 15727.00 - no description 2. cucuit-TXPC (Overclocking Argentina OC Team) - 14698.00 - run on i-ram 3. Turrican (Team OCX) - 12835.00 - DFI Lp Ut 790FX-M2R, 2GB G.skill 2GBHZ, I-Ram Raid 0 ... 1. jimakos - 8023 marks - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3480mhz - Amd Athlon 64 X2 6000+ @ 3480mhz on Water, XFX GeForce 8800 GTS 320mb @ 656mhz/1003mhz on Water 2. soulclaimer - 7288 marks - Athlon 64 3600+ X2 Brisbane@3081mhz - no description 3. papatsonis - 7222 marks - Athlon 64 5200+ X2 Windsor@3364mhz - 4. Candyman - 7124 marks - Athlon 64 6400+ X2@3200mhz - no description 5. mariosalice - 6818 marks - Athlon 64 4400+ X2 Toledo@2805mhz - no description 6. dimpah - 6774 marks - Athlon 64 5600+ X2@3192mhz - no description 7. dracosc - 6686 marks - Athlon 64 5600+ X2@3250mhz - no description 8. AMDnord+reselie - 6601 marks - Athlon 64 4200+ X2 Toledo@3100mhz - no description 9. JimmyFox - 6566 marks - Athlon 64 4400+ X2 Toledo@2650mhz - A64 X2 4400+@2.65GHz - Radeon X1900GT@620/720 10. panoc - 6473 marks - Athlon 64 4600+ X2 Manchester@2830mhz - A64 X2 4600+@2.83GHz - X1900XT@668/850 PCMark 2005 Athlon XP subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. AndreyKV (Russian Overs Team) - 5053.00 - no description 2. phill (Bench Tec UK) - 4329.00 - A special thanks to Dave (Blinditter) for the loan of the ACard!! 3. Turrican (Team OCX) - 4014.00 - Abit NF7-S Rev. 2.0, 2x 256MB Mushkin PC3500 Level II "BH-5", 2-Stage Cascade . ... 1. viper - 3142 marks - Athlon XP 2600+ Barton@2269mhz - no description 2. TASOS - 2634 marks - Athlon XP 1800+ Thoroughbred @2205mhz - no description 3. stealth - 1529 marks - Athlon XP 2000+ Palomino@1762.50mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Core 2 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. jabski (Bench Tec UK) - 19321.00 - Many thanks to Gigabyte UK 2. Barron_Greenback (Bench Tec UK) - 14514.00 - Stock Vapo SS on CPU - x4 i-RAMs on ICH9R 3. TASOS (H.O.T.) - 14502.00 - with one iRam ... 1. TASOS - 14502 marks - Celeron LGA775 E1400@4340mhz - with one iRam 2. stealth - 8828 marks - Celeron LGA775 E1200@3274mhz - no description 3. Shadowjump - 3974 marks - Celeron LGA775 E1200@2133mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Core 2 Duo subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. jabski (Bench Tec UK) - 27303.00 - no description 2. Stelaras (H.O.T.) - 26646.00 - Core 2 E8600 @ 5900mhz / GTX280 @ 715/1265Mhz 3. team hardwaretest ( OC Team) - 26546.00 - E8600@ 6000 mhz on Cascade -3 x iRAM RAID 0 ICH10R - Nvidia 260 GTX SOFT VOLT MOD AIR - CSX , PC16000 DIABLO DDR3 1926Mhz- 8-7-6-18-1T - Rampage Extreme, Fabbry Benmaster TEAM HARDWARETEST!! ... 1. Stelaras - 26646 marks - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@5900mhz - Core 2 E8600 @ 5900mhz / GTX280 @ 715/1265Mhz 2. Aristidis - 21401 marks - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@5850mhz - no description 3. Chosen - 21038 marks - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4510mhz - E8400 @ 4510MHz, Asus P5Q Deluxe, Axeram @ 1002MHz 5-5-5-15, GF 280GTX @ defaults, Acard ANS-9010 DDR2 Solid State Disk 4. TASOS - 20611 marks - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@5354mhz - with 1x iRam 5. zafiropo - 19036 marks - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@5050mhz - E8600 @ 5050mhz GTX295 @ 694/1105Mhz 6. Dinos111 - 18495 marks - Core 2 E8300 (2.83Ghz)@3600mhz - E8300@3600 Ocz 8500 @1200Mhz Ati 4870 @ 850/950 7. varachio - 16321 marks - Core 2 E7500 (2.93Ghz)@4500mhz - This one seem to be final... for the moment... 8. o polonos - 15550 marks - Core 2 E6850 (3.0Ghz)@4455mhz - Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 @ 4455 DI - Asus P5K - E - 8800 GTX 658/1058 - Single I-Ram - TeamGroup 1200 - Eleven Pot 9. HighT3ch - 13090 marks - Core 2 E8500 (3.17Ghz)@4892mhz - no description 10. kintaro - 12375 marks - Core 2 E8500 (3.17Ghz)@4500mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Core 2 Extreme subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 30609.00 - Not bad....I'll keep on.... ) 2. Dinos111 (H.O.T.) - 28646.00 - Test. (Next time, Cpu & Vga under LN2) 3. Gomeler (PURE) - 28101.00 - Awesome QX9650/Gigabyte X48T-DQ6/Corsair 1800C7 Dominator/EVGA GTX280/Corsair HX1000 5555MHz @ 1.84v @ -104C Thanks Corsair for the DDR3, PSU, and VGA! ... 1. hipro5 - 30609 marks - Core 2 QX9770 (3.2Ghz)@5708mhz - Not bad....I'll keep on.... ) 2. Dinos111 - 28646 marks - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5451mhz - Test. (Next time, Cpu & Vga under LN2) 3. Stelaras - 27217 marks - Core 2 QX9770 (3.2Ghz)@5278mhz - Core 2 QX9770 @ 5278mhz / GTX280 @ 700/1250Mhz 4. gprhellas - 26258 marks - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5431mhz - 8800GTX on air (3 iRams) H.O.T. POWER (i love you guys) 5. elefsinaras - 25185 marks - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5403mhz - this is the REAL VENDOYZA --- only with 2 X iRAMs , 6. Chosen - 17054 marks - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@4000mhz - QX9650 - 12x333MHz, Crucial Ballistix 667 - 888MHz 4-4-4-12, 8800 GTS 512 (G92) - 800-2000-2200, 3xMtron Mobi on Dell PERC5 RAID0 7. tsan - 16646 marks - Core 2 QX9770 (3.2Ghz)@4200mhz - no description 8. TASOS - 16187 marks - Core 2 QX9770 (3.2Ghz)@5175mhz - Default benchmarking. No tweaks,No i-Rams,...ech, 4870x2 aircooled @790/915, 9. zafiropo - 15450 marks - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@4375mhz - no description 10. mickeymouse - 12283 marks - Core 2 QX6700 (2.66Ghz)@4400mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Core 2 Mobile subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Gamer (Madshrimps Belgium OC Team) - 13316.00 - no description 2. katiephil (Bench Tec UK) - 12985.00 - no description ... 1. TASOS - 9788 marks - Core 2 T7200 (2.0Ghz)@2400mhz - A quick run 2. varachio - 9274 marks - Core 2 T9300 (2.5Ghz)@2500mhz - no description 3. tonyspanos - 6255 marks - Core 2 T7500 (2.2Ghz)@2200mhz - no description 4. dimcar - 5488 marks - Core 2 T7500 (2.2Ghz)@2200mhz - no description 5. o polonos - 4439 marks - Core 2 T7300 (2.0Ghz)@1995mhz - no description 6. Spyrus - 4279 marks - Core 2 T7200 (2.0Ghz) - no description 7. George_o/c - 4257 marks - Core 2 P8400 (2.26Ghz)@2260mhz - no description 8. geobot24 - 4140 marks - Core 2 T5300 (1.73Ghz)@1730mhz - Having fun with my laptop. :) 9. chris_oktabit - 3962 marks - Core T2500 (2.0Ghz)@2000mhz - no description 10. killer55555 - 3922 marks - Core 2 T5550 (1.83Ghz)@1829.10mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Core 2 Quad subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. KanGaXx - KEW Team ( OC Team) - 25325.00 - ACARD ANS-9010 only , 2. Evocarlos (Bench Tec UK) - 25080.00 - no description 3. scooter.jay (Bench Tec UK) - 24447.00 - Acard ans9010 raid0 ... 1. jax7480 - 21434 marks - Core 2 Q9550 (2.83Ghz)@3996mhz - no description 2. varachio - 17506 marks - Core 2 Q6700 (2.66Ghz)@3965mhz - no description 3. Chosen - 15692 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3752mhz - Q6600 @ 469x8, 8800GTX @ stock, I-ram w/ 1Gb DDR400 4. Daidalos - 13465 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3917mhz - no description 5. kintaro - 12708 marks - Core 2 Q9550 (2.83Ghz)@4548mhz - no description 6. Borg - 12634 marks - Core 2 Q9300 (2.5Ghz)@3562mhz - Q9300 @ 3562Mhz - Asus P5Q - Team xtreme 2x1GB @ 1195 5-5-5-15 - PowerColor 3870 7. Vediovis - 10682 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3888mhz - no description 8. zavlakas - 10644 marks - Core 2 Q6700 (2.66Ghz)@3510mhz - no description 9. AMDnord+Reselie - 10612 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3700mhz - no description 10. Master_Rex - 10425 marks - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3600mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Core i7 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. pro (Team Australia) - 32397.00 - GIGABYTE X58 UD4P, Sapphire VAPOR-X 4890 @ 1050/1100, 4x Gigabyte I-RAMS, 4x SSD (GSKILL Falcon/INTEL X25M), 2x DDRDRIVE DDRDRIVE.COM, ADAPTEC 5805 and CORSAIR 2000 C7 + CORSAIR HX1000! 2. mtech (Team MXS - 29079.00 - Core i7 920 D0@4802MHz 1.4625V cooled with single stage; Asus P6TWS Pro X58 bios0603, PCI-E=109MHz, NB=4574MHz; 3Gb Kingston (Samsung chips)@2287MHz 8-9-8-20-1T, Leadtek GeForce GTX 280@810(1674)/1380 watercooled, 3xGigabyte I-RAM RAID0@ICH10R 3. Aristidis (H.O.T.) - 27579.00 - no description ... 1. Aristidis - 27579 marks - Core i7 920@5090mhz - no description 2. jax7480 - 25276 marks - Core i7 950@4528mhz - no description 3. BenchZowner - 20342 marks - Core i7 920@4309mhz - no description 4. varachio - 20085 marks - Core i7 920@4305mhz - no description 5. chris_oktabit - 8644 marks - Core i7 920@2670mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Core i7 Extreme subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. mtech (Team MXS - 30259.00 - Core i7 Extreme 975@5113MHz 1.575V cooled with single stage, Asus P6T WS Pro bios0603, PCI-E=109MHz, NB=4669MHz, 6Gb G.Skill Perfect Storm (Elpida BBSE)@2223MHz 8-9-8-21-1T 1.68V, Geforce GTX280@830(1720)/1400 watercooled, 3xGigabyte I-RAM RAID0@ICH10R 2. leghorn giorgioprimo (MemoryExtreme Italy Team) - 30202.00 - no description 3. sacha35 (Bench Tec UK) - 29117.00 - Big Thanks goes out to Intel, ASUS, XFX, Corsair and Kingston for your continued support. ... 1. Stelaras - 28311 marks - Core i7 Extreme 965@4900mhz - Intel i7 965 @ 4900mhz / GTX295 @ 800/1290Mhz 2. mortisboy - 23462 marks - Core i7 Extreme 965@4890mhz - Perc 5/i with 2xMtron3525 + 2xOCZv2@ RAID0 3. mickeymouse - 23349 marks - Core i7 Extreme 965@4848mhz - 2x 30gig vertex ssd drive test 4. giorgos th. - 22234 marks - Core i7 Extreme 965@4575mhz - Server 2K8 - 1x i-ram... PCMark 2005 Opteron 90nm subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. PowerToTheUsers (Madshrimps Belgium OC Team) - 12740.00 - no description 2. Turrican (Team OCX) - 12092.00 - DFI LP UT nF4 Ultra-D, 1GB Mushkin Redline, Single Stage, I-Ram Raid-0, 3. scooter.jay (Bench Tec UK) - 11377.00 - no description ... 1. STELIOSVIPER - 7450 marks - Opteron 165 90nm@3168mhz - no description 2. Strategos - 7339 marks - Opteron 165 90nm@2997mhz - no description 3. Indiana - 5742 marks - Opteron 170 90nm@2500mhz - Opteron 170 @2500Mhz 4. viper - 5096 marks - Opteron 144 90nm@2906mhz - 2906 9X322 PCMark 2005 Pentium 3 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Turrican (Team OCX) - 4738.00 - Dual P3-S 1.4Ghz "Tualatin", Asus CUV4X-D, 512MB PC133 2.0-2-2-5, 1x I-Ram 2. Cupido (HardwareLuxx Germany) - 2619.00 - no description 3. Lex_ ( - 2428.00 - no description ... 1. varachio - 2332 marks - Pentium 3 1.0Ghz Coppermine@1275mhz - no description 2. blindy - 1417 marks - Pentium 3 667Mhz (s370)@962.60mhz - no description 3. manolis - 940 marks - Pentium 3 800Mhz@947mhz - Pentium 3 800Mhz @ 947MHz Nvidia GeForce 2 MX/MX 400 64MB 4. Duncan1 - 486 marks - Pentium 3 533Mhz slot 1 Katmai@448mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Pentium 4 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. H[]R3NDUS ( - 8354.00 - Celeron 331 -@ 5000 - Phase 1/2 Hp 2. Gamer (Madshrimps Belgium OC Team) - 7709.00 - no description 3. Turrican (Team OCX) - 7621.00 - Asus Commando, 2GB G.Skill 2GBHZ, Dual Stage Cascade, ... 1. varachio - 7150 marks - Celeron LGA775 360@5148mhz - Testing... with H2O 2. KChris - 5531 marks - Celeron LGA775 336@4505mhz - no description 3. zafiropo - 4883 marks - Celeron s478 330@4168mhz - no description 4. stealth - 4279 marks - Celeron s478 320@3744.70mhz - no description 5. kintaro - 3660 marks - Celeron LGA775 336@4032mhz - no description 6. soulclaimer - 2457 marks - Celeron s478 2.0Ghz@2672mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Pentium 4 Dual Core subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. team hardwaretest ( OC Team) - 14089.00 - Pentium D 950 @ 5100 on ss - CSX DIABLO DDR3 1200 Mhz- 5-5-5-14-1T- - rampage exterme - 4X iRAM RAID 0 - Fabbry-Benmaster, TEAM HARDWARETEST!! 2. jabski (Bench Tec UK) - 12957.00 - Many thanks to Gigabyte UK 3. TinTin@OCQQ (PURE) - 11899.00 - no description ... 1. x47 - 11168 marks - Pentium 4 'D' 945@5008mhz - no description 2. elefsinaras - 7890 marks - Pentium 4 'D' 915@4700mhz - no description 3. giorgos th. - 6659 marks - Pentium 4 'D' 820@3525mhz - no description 4. NIKOSE - 6646 marks - Pentium 4 'D' 820@4029mhz - no description 5. tifozif1 - 6059 marks - Pentium 4 'D' 805@3666mhz - New disks Raid0 2x Seagate 320GB 7200.10 6. darkman16 - 4765 marks - Pentium 4 'D' 945@3400mhz - no description 7. crio - 4266 marks - Pentium 4 'D' 805@2679mhz - With my second PC i started experimenting..., More to come in a few days with new mobo and stuff!!!!!!!!!! PCMark 2005 Pentium 4 s478 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. leeghoofd (Madshrimps Belgium OC Team) - 7393.00 - no description 2. George_o/c (H.O.T.) - 7105.00 - P4 3GHz @ 4155MHz @ 1.825Vcore | Asus P4P800-E Deluxe (un-modded :-() | OCZ PC4000 VX 1GB 250MHz @ 277MHz 3-3-3-8 @ 2.85Vmem (not optimized at all) | X1650 @ 641/535 MHz ... easy ... (Why can't I change the memory rating, it's PC4000 and not PC2700 3. AndreyKV (Russian Overs Team) - 6886.00 - no description ... 1. George_o/c - 7105 marks - Pentium 4 3.0Ghz Northwood@4155mhz - P4 3GHz @ 4155MHz @ 1.825Vcore | Asus P4P800-E Deluxe (un-modded :-() | OCZ PC4000 VX 1GB 250MHz @ 277MHz 3-3-3-8 @ 2.85Vmem (not optimized at all) | X1650 @ 641/535 MHz ... easy ... (Why can't I change the memory rating, it's PC4000 and not PC2700 2. stealth - 4938 marks - Pentium 4 3.0Ghz Prescott@3704.80mhz - no description 3. zafiropo - 4347 marks - Pentium 4 2.4Ghz A Northwood@3679mhz - no description 4. TASOS - 4041 marks - Pentium 4 1.8Ghz Northwood@3600mhz - no description 5. soulclaimer - 3267 marks - Pentium 4 2.66Ghz@2850mhz - no description 6. Mars - 2608 marks - Pentium 4 2.533Ghz@2831mhz - no description 7. Duncan1 - 2224 marks - Pentium 4 1.8Ghz Northwood@2679mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Pentium 4 s775 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. x47 (H.O.T.) - 12754.00 - no description 2. jabski (Bench Tec UK) - 12646.00 - no description 3. mtech (Team MXS - 11233.00 - 2xGigabyte I-RAMs on ICH8R ... 1. x47 - 12754 marks - Pentium 4 965@5225mhz - no description 2. Dinos111 - 9134 marks - Pentium 4 550@4002mhz - Old school p4 550 3. dimcar - 9066 marks - Pentium 4 955 EE@5040mhz - no description 4. varachio - 7002 marks - Pentium 4 641@4960mhz - No Mods, all in stock, all on air! 5. polonos - 6121 marks - Pentium 4 630@4125mhz - Intel Pentium 4 630 @ 4125 - Asus Commando - CellShock 1000 - BFG 880 GTX 660/1065 6. Vediovis - 2720 marks - Pentium 4 640 - no description PCMark 2005 Pentium M subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. dukee (Crazy-OC Germany) - 5605.00 - no description 2. BenchBros (HardwareLuxx Germany) - 5027.00 - no description 3. minos ( - 4866.00 - no description ... 1. TASOS - 4181 marks - Pentium M 740@2453mhz - 2. racer - 2831 marks - Pentium M 735@2159mhz - Mems are 211MHz 2.5-3-3-7 3. Simon - 1657 marks - Pentium M 745@1795mhz - Hewlett-Packard compaq nx7010 PCMark 2005 Pentium M Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Gamer (Madshrimps Belgium OC Team) - 7990.00 - 2. totophe (JMax-Hardware) - 6811.00 - no description 3. lunatic@98 (Hardwareoverclock) - 5792.00 - no description ... 1. TASOS - 5056 marks - Pentium M 430 Celeron@2813mhz - no description 2. varachio - 2254 marks - Pentium M 540 Celeron@1862mhz - no description 3. panoc - 1804 marks - Pentium M 410 Celeron - - Pentium M 410 Celeron - Onboard VGA 4. Shadow Hunter - 1227 marks - Pentium M 330 Celeron@1395.50mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Phenom II X4 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. sno.lcn (OC Forums) - 26164.00 - PhenomII 940 @ 5523mhz LN2 @ Dragon Evo 2.4, Gigabyte MA790GP-DS4H, GTX 280 @ 760/1520/1230, 2x1gb Team Xtreem, Gigabyte ODIN 1200w, ACARD ANS-9010 RAID 0 2. cnzdrn ( OC Team) - 24504.00 - no description 3. NeoForce ( - 24058.00 - Pretesting, 2*I-RAM - RAID0 ... 1. christosjr1 - 13287 marks - Phenom II X4 940@3718mhz - no description 2. dread77 - 11568 marks - Phenom II X4 940@5200mhz - ...Powered by OKTABIT!!! 3. LuNaTiC - 11100 marks - Phenom II X4 940@3010.10mhz - just put my mem @ 1066mhz 4. ageorge2500 - 10766 marks - Phenom II X4 955 BE@3995.70mhz - no description 5. chris_oktabit - 9908 marks - Phenom II X4 810@3406mhz - no description PCMark 2005 Phenom X4 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. NeoForce ( - 13927.00 - no description 2. hydrotoxin (HardwareLuxx Germany) - 13450.00 - no description 3. Ananerbe ( - 13409.00 - no description ... 1. viper - 11133 marks - Phenom X4 9950@3525mhz - Phenom X4 9950 @ 3525mhz / 4850 2. dimpah - 11091 marks - Phenom X4 9950@3328mhz - no description 3. chris_oktabit - 9151 marks - Phenom X4 9950@3211mhz - no description 4. JimmyFox - 8041 marks - Phenom X4 9750@2640mhz - no description 5. ageorge2500 - 7354 marks - Phenom X4 9600@2741mhz - no description generated by hwbot - -
  9. 3Dmark03 Ranking ---------------------------------------------------- 3Dmark 2003 is a popular benchmark application to measure videocard performance. download here Rules - don't use multiple nicknames - only post scores belonging to you - 1024x768x32bit only - include a screenshot or a futuremark compareurl of the result Guidelines - format your score as follows: [hwbot] score - system description [/hwbot] - try not to use abbreviations. eg. 'opteron 146' is ok, '146' is too short. - format processor overclock like 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' or 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz', format videocard speed as 'R9800 @ 350/333Mhz'. - allowed score formats: '12345' or '12345 3dmarks' or '12345 marks' - don't use text layout (bold, italic) or hyperlinks in your system description. bot info moderators: GoriLLakoS, pclab, RootX, darkCount, Stelaras, TASOS, deadlock7, mortisboy, hipro5, Costas members who changed team: no one options: update ranking now team ranking - hall of fame rank - top 10 average - team name - weekly & monthly rankchange - links 1. 166838.80 PURE - ~ ~ - website 2. 153525.41 - +1 ~ - website - forum 3. 151129.70 AwardFabrik - -1 ~ - website - forum 4. 149712.09 Team OCX - ~ +1 - website - forum 5. 149543.50 H.O.T. - ~ -1 - website - forum ... member ranking - hall of fame - more 1. AndreYang (PURE) - 180392.00 - no description 2. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 180091.00 - no description 3. Gautam (PURE) - 179151.00 - no description ... 1. hipro5 - 180091 marks - 4x Radeon HD 4890 @ 1010/1200mhz - no description 2. mortisboy - 162756 marks - 3x Radeon HD 4890 @ 1000/1150mhz - the cpu drives me crazy 3. tsan - 155425 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 850/1000mhz - no description 4. Stelaras - 153091 marks - 2x GeForce GTX 295 @ 725/1160mhz - Core i7 965 @ 4882mhz - Nvidia GTX295 SLI @ 725/1160mhz - ORB valid project but can't get ORB link 5. gprhellas - 152597 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 870/1000mhz - E8600@6302MHz@-150°C->FIRST TEST 2X4870X2 STOCK AIR FLASHED@870-1000-hipro-tech 1200Watts PSU. 6. giorgos th. - 146695 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 860/980mhz - stupid stupid stupid run.... 7. dread77 - 146327 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 850/1000mhz - no description 8. mickeymouse - 145072 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 800/900mhz - warmup/test real runs ot come 9. TONY GAL - 131042 marks - 3x GeForce GTX 260 216SP @ 740/1260mhz - no description 10. Dinos111 - 122339 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 900/1100mhz - Test 3870X2 CF 11. phil - 122078 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 800/950mhz - no description 12. Aristidis - 118865 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 800/1160mhz - no description 13. jax7480 - 116554 marks - 3x GeForce GTX 260 216SP @ 675/1200mhz - no description 14. crio - 110532 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 740/1221mhz - Test at my friends crusty's home 15. junior-21- - 109100 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 733/1175mhz - no description 16. TASOS - 108961 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 745/1115mhz - no description 17. LevelOne - 108724 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 800/950mhz - no description 18. Thodoris21 - 106275 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870 @ 830/1000mhz - no description 19. AN7 OverClocker - 105967 marks - 3x Radeon HD 4870 @ 860/1150mhz - no description 20. eko - 105289 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 850/1050mhz - no description 21. zafiropo - 104149 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 729/1180mhz - no description 22. NIKOSE - 102788 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 839/1030mhz - no description 23. fafoylis - 101643 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870 @ 850/1150mhz - no description 24. varachio - 100876 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 714/1123mhz - Vgpu:1,23v... 25. kintaro - 100007 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 862/980mhz - no description 26. galanakop - 98384 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870 @ 790/1100mhz - no description 27. Theorw - 98250 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4850 @ 816/1000mhz - no description 28. gregorisvas - 97636 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 820/1000mhz - no description 29. thorr - 96610 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 823/900mhz - no description 30. BenchZowner - 96544 marks - 2x GeForce GTX 280 @ 721/1215mhz - no description 31. $@39@ - 94881 marks - 2x GeForce GTX 260 216SP @ 700/1200mhz - no description 32. petr00kos - 93709 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 830/1000mhz - * petr00kos benching while in army * 33. inlovem - 91862 marks - 3x GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 660/1150mhz - no description 34. chris_oktabit - 91053 marks - 3x Radeon HD 4770 @ 830/850mhz - no description 35. tzitzibp - 89773 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870 @ 820/1110mhz - no description 36. patrik - 88320 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4850 @ 730/1130mhz - no description 37. billpeppas - 88288 marks - videocard unknown - E8400@4637MHz - nVIDIA GeForce 9800GTX SLI @ 842/1246 stock 38. HighT3ch - 87353 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 850/970mhz - no description 39. Magnus - 85939 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870 @ 790/1000mhz - no description 40. o polonos - 85706 marks - 3x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 630/1030mhz - no description 41. CCC - 84555 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870 @ 780/1190mhz - no description 42. tonyspanos - 84397 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870 @ 750/900mhz - no description 43. Daidalos - 81815 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 @ 1080/1305mhz - no description 44. imposer - 81214 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 768/1065mhz - TESTING E8500 with GX2 45. psilos - 76482 marks - Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 980/1044mhz - no description 46. elefsinaras - 75426 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 850/990mhz - no description 47. coolmind - 75264 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 @ 850/1351mhz - no description 48. KChris - 73484 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3850 256MB @ 904/1017mhz - no description 49. BeetleJuice - 73265 marks - Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 895/1030mhz - E8500 @ 4940Mhz - 3870X2@ 895/1030 - cpu ss ,STOCK gpu 50. GoriLLakoS - 72636 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 706/1080mhz - Intel QX6700 @3500Mhz Stock Cooler - Dual 8800 Ultra 706/1080 air 51. Pokemon640 - 72314 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 802/1000mhz - no description 52. jim_papa - 71602 marks - Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 877/954mhz - no description 53. gregorypeg1000 - 70441 marks - Radeon HD 4890 @ 950/1100mhz - no description 54. panos16 - 70338 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4850 @ 625/1000mhz - no description 55. mariosalice - 66364 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 633/980mhz - no description 56. dimpah - 65155 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4850 @ 625/993mhz - no description 57. thor - 64354 marks - videocard unknown - Q9300@3450GHZ-ATI 3870X2@825/900MHZ 58. darkCount - 63056 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 630/1000mhz - 8800GTX SLI@630/1000 - Core 2 Duo 6600@4000Mhz cpu on custom ss 59. Shadowjump - 62908 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 775/900mhz - no description 60. Borg - 60262 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 @ 850/1200mhz - E6320 3040 Air- PowerColor 3870 @850/1200 stock cooling 61. tzwrtzhs - 59648 marks - GeForce GTX 275 @ 740/1200mhz - See attached picture for detailed system configuration. 62. Webhunter - 57122 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 950/1200mhz - bench session joined with -polonos- vga is mine , we will be back soon 63. geobot24 - 55731 marks - Radeon HD 4870 @ 920/1100mhz - no description 64. ageorge2500 - 54002 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 @ 830/1000mhz - two videocards one 3850 720/950 mhz and one 3870 830/1000 mhz in crossfire mode 65. George_13 - 52741 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 720/1208mhz - Core 2 Duo - E6850 @ 4635Mhz on esdee phase - 8800 Ultra @ 720/1208 on stock air 66. Candyman - 52573 marks - 2x GeForce 9600 GT @ 675/1000mhz - no description 67. racer - 51905 marks - GeForce 9800 GTX @ 875/1250mhz - no description 68. Chosen - 51452 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 655/1060mhz - E8500 @ 4503 (474x9.5) 1.6V, 8800GTX @ 655/1060 (Shader 1580), 2x2048Mb OCZ PC2-8000 5-5-5-15 69. Nick_p - 51425 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 710/1190mhz - Intel X6800 @4502Mhz under ss phase - POV 8800 GTX 710/1190 under water 70. hvtecgr - 51361 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 710/1200mhz - no description 71. ReaperX - 51196 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 685/1053mhz - no description 72. GoMaR - 51191 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 799/1152mhz - no description 73. F117 - 51127 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 795/1155mhz - Intel Core 2 Duo E8400@4608 Mhz - 8800GTS@795/1155 - cpu on water , gpu stock air 74. gbak - 49806 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 690/1198mhz - no description 75. perp - 49733 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 690/1194mhz - no description 3Dmark 2003 ATI Radeon 9000 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Johnny Bravo (Bench Tec UK) - 10864.00 - no description 2. |ron ( Italy OC Team) - 10834.00 - Conroe 6600@290x9 cooled by Ybris K11, 9800XT@550/425 cooler by Ybris K5&Vmodded 3. Speedoo (PC Games Hardware) - 10209.00 - no description ... 1. George_o/c - 8224 marks - Radeon 9800 SE @ 430/376mhz - An old 3D 03 run ... 2. MadCatMk2 - 7133 marks - Radeon 9800 SE @ 391/349mhz - no description 3. g10 - 5559 marks - Radeon 9550 @ 624/214.50mhz - no description 4. AN7 OverClocker - 4693 marks - Radeon 9600 - 5. zafiropo - 4225 marks - Radeon 9600 @ 533/277mhz - no description 6. racer - 3690 marks - Radeon 9600 Mobile @ 491/275mhz - no description 7. Vediovis - 2081 marks - Radeon 9600 - Default GPU clocks 8. Webhunter - 1365 marks - Radeon 9250 @ 287/251mhz - no description 9. takos - 1232 marks - Radeon 9200 Mobile @ 260/230mhz - Laptop: "HP pavilion zt3000" pentiumM@1600mhz, 512ddr1@333mhz, 60gbyte Hdd,atiM 9200, 17"(16:10), 65watt Full load 10. varachio - 1106 marks - Radeon 9200 SE @ 322/231mhz - No volt mods... I'll return soon with a faster cpu + volt mods.... Hopfully for the first place 3Dmark 2003 ATI Radeon HD 2000 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. mickeymouse (H.O.T.) - 94489.00 - no description 2. Gautam (PURE) - 89597.00 - no description 3. pro ( - 89221.00 - testing crossfire on dice, new kayl gpu tubes, next time with cpu @ 5.5 ... 1. mickeymouse - 94489 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 1150/999mhz - no description 2. mortisboy - 76010 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 743/828mhz - QX6700 on BlackBox -100 - IX38 QuadGT PCIE@130 - OCZ FlexXLC 9200 - 2x2900XT on AIR - Hipro-tech 1200W 3. elefsinaras - 75426 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 850/990mhz - no description 4. tsan - 75264 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 850/990mhz - no description 5. AN7 OverClocker - 66881 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 870/930mhz - no description 6. hipro5 - 60799 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 1347/1018mhz - SINGLE ASUS HD2900XT at 1347MHz Core and 1018MHz Rams....Testing my new Mods for now... ) 7. TASOS - 52453 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 1023/1029mhz - no description 8. NoDsl - 44849 marks - Radeon HD 2900 Pro 512 MB-512 Bit @ 874.13/999mhz - A little more! 9. patrik - 44027 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 870/1000mhz - no description 10. Nick_p - 43891 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 850/950mhz - Intel X6800 @4800Mhz casc8 - Radeon HD2900XT 850/950 air 3Dmark 2003 ATI Radeon HD 3000 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. AndreYang (PURE) - 141405.00 - Much Thanks k|ngp|n made a great CPU container F1EE and GPU container Tek9 4.0 2. tsan (H.O.T.) - 137858.00 - no description 3. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 136942.00 - FOXCONN BlackOps - NOT a good run - ... 1. tsan - 137858 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 945/1107mhz - no description 2. hipro5 - 136942 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 972/1107mhz - FOXCONN BlackOps - NOT a good run - 3. mickeymouse - 134142 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 960/1100mhz - no description 4. gprhellas - 133015 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 990/1150mhz - ->UPDATE<- Thanks to Samino-hipro5 for the Foxconn BlackOps Mobo - My QX9650 @ 5802MHz on LN2 - VGA = 2x HD3870x2 default heatsink @ 990/1150 - PSU = 1200Watts hipro-tech - Powered by 5. mortisboy - 131817 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 950/1135mhz - no description 6. Dinos111 - 122339 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 900/1100mhz - Test 3870X2 CF 7. Aristidis - 118490 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 931/1098mhz - no description 8. thorr - 96610 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 823/900mhz - no description 9. varachio - 92283 marks - 3x Radeon HD 3850 256MB @ 850/1071mhz - project no finished yet... i'll return with more... 10. Daidalos - 81815 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 @ 1080/1305mhz - no description 3Dmark 2003 ATI Radeon HD 4000 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. AndreYang (PURE) - 180392.00 - no description 2. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 180091.00 - no description 3. Gautam (PURE) - 179151.00 - no description ... 1. hipro5 - 180091 marks - 4x Radeon HD 4890 @ 1010/1200mhz - no description 2. mortisboy - 162756 marks - 3x Radeon HD 4890 @ 1000/1150mhz - the cpu drives me crazy 3. tsan - 155425 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 850/1000mhz - no description 4. gprhellas - 152597 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 870/1000mhz - E8600@6302MHz@-150°C->FIRST TEST 2X4870X2 STOCK AIR FLASHED@870-1000-hipro-tech 1200Watts PSU. 5. Stelaras - 149080 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 855/1000mhz - E8600 @ 6150 - Ati HD4870x2 cf @ 855/1000 6. giorgos th. - 146695 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 860/980mhz - stupid stupid stupid run.... 7. dread77 - 146327 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 850/1000mhz - no description 8. mickeymouse - 145072 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 800/900mhz - warmup/test real runs ot come 9. phil - 122078 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 800/950mhz - no description 10. TONY GAL - 118245 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4890 @ 1000/1160mhz - thanks my friend sofos1990 for 4890! 3Dmark 2003 ATI Radeon X1000 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Joe Camel (OC Forums) - 47397.00 - x6800 @ 4600MHz, 2x x1900 @ 830/931 2. G80 (Team Estonia) - 46233.00 - no description 3. kyosen (Team OCX) - 45360.00 - X6800@5001MHz - Radeon X1900CF@792/891 ... 1. hipro5 - 40548 marks - 2x Radeon X1900 XTX - ATI CrossFire X1900 @ 702MHz/891MHz - Intel Core 2 Duo X6800 Conroe @ 3790MHz - air cooled 2. ThorLite - 40148 marks - 2x Radeon X1900 XT 512mb @ 715/815mhz - Core 2 Duo E6700 @ 3940MHz - ATI CrossFire X1900XTX @ 715/815 3. NIKOSE - 39957 marks - 2x Radeon X1800 XT 512mb @ 689/783mhz - no description 4. mickeymouse - 37410 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 Pro 256mb @ 749/810mhz - no description 5. mortisboy - 36493 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 XT @ 715.50/1053mhz - Core 2 Duo - E6600 @4418Mhz on Vapo LS - X1950XTX Crossfire @715.5/1053 6. power636 - 32379 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 Pro 256mb @ 648/837mhz - all on water 7. THE GOD - 32252 marks - 2x Radeon X1900 XT 512mb @ 670/800mhz - Mach2 GT FOR CPU,AND KOOLANCE EXXOS FOR GPU'S AND NB. 8. TASOS - 30244 marks - Radeon X1900 XTX @ 817/900mhz - no description 9. babis2k - 29227 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 Pro 256mb - E6600 @ 3806mhz - X1950pro 256mb crossfire 10. Stelaras - 28531 marks - Radeon X1900 XTX @ 823/936mhz - C2D E6700@4350Mhz - X1900XTX 823/936Mhz 3Dmark 2003 ATI Radeon X800 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Matti OC (Hardwareoverclock) - 29175.00 - no description 2. Evocarlos (Bench Tec UK) - 28741.00 - no description 3. giorgos th. (H.O.T.) - 28331.00 - no description ... 1. giorgos th. - 28331 marks - 2x Radeon X850 XT @ 585/650mhz - no description 2. mortisboy - 26134 marks - 2x Radeon X850 XT @ 580/650mhz - E8500@5516 - AxeRam 1200@ 580 5-5-5-15 - IX38 QuadGT - 2xATi X850XT@ 580/650 3. g10 - 20337 marks - 2x Radeon X800 XT @ 400/490mhz - no description 4. HighT3ch - 20168 marks - Radeon X800 XT @ 625/567mhz - no description 5. DuKe_GR - 15334 marks - Radeon X850 XT @ 570/624mhz - no description 6. killer55555 - 15218 marks - Radeon X850 XT @ 579/623mhz - no description 7. NIKOSE - 14920 marks - Radeon X800 XL @ 437/535mhz - no description 8. Daidalos - 14541 marks - Radeon X800 XT PE @ 564/604mhz - no description 9. Mars - 7488 marks - Radeon X800 GT 256 @ 472/492mhz - no description 10. soulclaimer - 6485 marks - Radeon X700 @ 490/260mhz - no description 3Dmark 2003 Intel GMA subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Jn_Freeman - 4049.00 - no description 2. mac87 (JMax-Hardware) - 4016.00 - coef 6x in idle for cpu 3. The Nemesis (PURE) - 3930.00 - no description ... 1. Shadow Hunter - 2920 marks - GMA 3100 (G31, G33, Q35, Q33) @ 400/0mhz - no description 2. TASOS - 2907 marks - GMA 3100 (G31, G33, Q35, Q33) @ 400/266mhz - no description 3. patrik - 2397 marks - GMA 3100 (G31, G33, Q35, Q33) - no description 4. killer55555 - 1745 marks - GMA X3100 (GM965) - no description 5. tsan - 1676 marks - GMA X3100 (GM965) @ 400/0mhz - no description 6. George_o/c - 1622 marks - GMA X3100 (GM965) @ 500/0mhz - Unfortunately, there is only one thing left to be done ... Windows XP + SP2 installation, 'cause Vista IS DAMN' SLOW !!! 7. tonyspanos - 973 marks - 82945GME Integrated Graphics (Mobile, Atom) @ 400/333mhz - no description 8. Duncan1 - 914 marks - GMA 950 (GM945 Mobile) @ 400/0mhz - no description 9. stealth - 156 marks - GMA 865 @ 266/0mhz - no description 3Dmark 2003 Nvidia GeForce 2 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. mAlkAv!An (Team OCX) - 457.00 - no description 2. THC-TEAM (PC Games Hardware) - 448.00 - no description 3. theLamer (PC Games Hardware) - 447.00 - no description ... 1. stealth - 256 marks - GeForce2 MX400 32MB @ 240/228mhz - no description 2. TASOS - 231 marks - GeForce2 MX400 64MB @ 291/189.50mhz - no description 3. Duncan1 - 205 marks - GeForce2 MX400 64MB @ 243/190mhz - no description 4. giorgos th. - 60 marks - GeForce2 MX400 64MB SDR 64bit @ 200/143mhz - ahahahahahaha 3Dmark 2003 Nvidia GeForce 200 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Chaos (Team OCX) - 158023.00 - Thx For ryba & Gigabyte, 2. Perica_barii (HW GURUS) - 157202.00 - no description 3. Gunslinger (PURE) - 156959.00 - Xeon W3570, EVGA X58 Classified, EVGA GTX 295's, Corsair Dominator GT's, Corsair HX1000 ... 1. Stelaras - 153091 marks - 2x GeForce GTX 295 @ 725/1160mhz - Core i7 965 @ 4882mhz - Nvidia GTX295 SLI @ 725/1160mhz - ORB valid project but can't get ORB link 2. TONY GAL - 131042 marks - 3x GeForce GTX 260 216SP @ 740/1260mhz - no description 3. Aristidis - 118865 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 800/1160mhz - no description 4. jax7480 - 116554 marks - 3x GeForce GTX 260 216SP @ 675/1200mhz - no description 5. tsan - 113805 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 903/1114mhz - test test test 6. crio - 110532 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 740/1221mhz - Test at my friends crusty's home 7. junior-21- - 109100 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 733/1175mhz - no description 8. TASOS - 108961 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 745/1115mhz - no description 9. zafiropo - 104149 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 729/1180mhz - no description 10. varachio - 100876 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 714/1123mhz - Vgpu:1,23v... 3Dmark 2003 Nvidia GeForce 4 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. mache ( - 38637.00 - Intel C2D E6400@3.32, GeForce 7950GX2@610/800, TeamXtreem @410 4-4-4-12 2. SoddemFX (Bench Tec UK) - 2683.00 - Opteron 148 on single stage, Ti4600 on Tall Boy - III cascade. 420MHz core, 367.5MHz memory. 2v core, 3.1v memory. BenchTec UK. 3. Crowz (Z.O.T.) - 2583.00 - no description ... 1. Duncan1 - 1966 marks - GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE @ 305/317.50mhz - no description 2. blindy - 337 marks - GeForce4 MX 4000 64-bit @ 360/225mhz - no description 3. NIKOSE - 275 marks - GeForce4 MX 4000 64-bit @ 410/400mhz - no description 4. Rhondia - 232 marks - GeForce4 MX 440-8x @ 378/364mhz - no description 5. F117 - 218 marks - GeForce4 MX 440 DDR @ 270/183mhz - no description 3Dmark 2003 Nvidia GeForce 5 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. maxine ( - 9822.00 - Aopen Aeolus Geforce 5900XT at 600/500Mhz with Accelero S1 & Vcore=1763mV, VDD=VDDQ=2.71v || intel QX6850 at 3779Mhz waku by Dtek Fuzion || Asrock 4CoreDual-SATA2 with all voltmods || 2 x 512mb Fatbody at 290Mhz 3-2-2-5-1T 2. Big_Sam (Russian Overs Team) - 9616.00 - P4_3.4E@4.442/FSB=261||Mem1:1/2.5/3/4/5/Vddr=3.2V||AopenFX5900XT/GPU702/Mem1071/Vgpu=1.82/Vmem=3.0V||CPU+GPU=phase_change_cooling=-38. 3. Oldscarface (D-Most) - 9127.00 - no description ... 1. TASOS - 7836 marks - GeForce FX 5900 PCX @ 510/381mhz - no description 2. subneo - 6725 marks - GeForce FX 5900 XT @ 425/426mhz - stock cooling and stock vgpu/vmem 3. stealth - 6676 marks - GeForce FX 5900 XT @ 480/386mhz - no description 4. varachio - 6598 marks - GeForce FX 5900 XT @ 469/419mhz - no description 5. NIKOSE - 3877 marks - GeForce FX 5750 PCX @ 519/539mhz - no description 6. fafoylis - 3820 marks - GeForce FX 5750 PCX @ 500/542mhz - no description 7. king2009 - 3262 marks - GeForce FX 5700 @ 526/350mhz - no description 8. Vediovis - 3044 marks - GeForce FX 5700 @ 500/300mhz - no description 9. KING_OF_O/C - 2981 marks - GeForce FX 5700 @ 425/251mhz - I made prtscn on my screenshoot file 10. AN7 OverClocker - 2961 marks - GeForce FX 5600 - no description 3Dmark 2003 Nvidia GeForce 6 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. RedCobra (AwardFabrik) - 32200.00 - no description 2. alibabar (OC-Lab) - 31748.00 - E8600@5400 Geforce 6800 GS 256MB SLi 660/661 3. gundamit (XtremeSystems) - 31198.00 - 6800Gt in SLI 481/621 ... 1. phil - 21116 marks - 2x GeForce 6600 GT PCI-e @ 615/585mhz - no description 2. junior-21- - 15855 marks - GeForce 6800 GS (NV41) 512 Mb @ 502/521mhz - no description 3. giorgos th. - 15783 marks - GeForce 6800 GS (NV42) 512 Mb @ 501/502mhz - NV41 core (A2/12pp/5vp)- pci-ex - 512mb DDR3. 4. g10 - 15735 marks - GeForce 6800 Agp @ 460/460.50mhz - no description 5. Shadow Hunter - 15684 marks - GeForce 6800 GT @ 401/575mhz - no description 6. obijuan1983 - 15081 marks - GeForce 6800 GT @ 465/610mhz - Athlon X2 3800@ 2.608Mhz - 6800GT 256 MB 465/1220MHZ 7. JimmyFox - 14988 marks - GeForce 6800 GT @ 420/601mhz - no description 8. Tsif - 14697 marks - GeForce 6800 GS (NV42) 256 Mb @ 450/550mhz - Q6600@3699 - 6800gs @450/1100 9. NIKOSE - 14624 marks - GeForce 6600 GT PCI-e @ 668/564mhz - no description 10. stefanoss - 13391 marks - GeForce 6800 GS (NV42) 256 Mb @ 468/526mhz - no description 3Dmark 2003 Nvidia GeForce 7 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Turrican (Team OCX) - 68696.00 - Asus Striker II Extreme, 2GB Crucial Ballistix @ 832 7-6-5-20, Single Stage on CPU, Stock cooling on 2x 7950GX2 (Quad-SLI), 2. Matti OC (Hardwareoverclock) - 64045.00 - no description 3. Jogibaer - 57731.00 - no description ... 1. zafiropo - 52594 marks - 2x GeForce 7950 GT @ 714/832mhz - E8600@ 5328mhz - 7950 GT SLI @ 714/832mhz 2. JC_Denton - 46792 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 700/747mhz - no description 3. George_13 - 42128 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 630/820mhz - Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3,8Ghz - 7950GX2 630/820 - all air 4. phil - 36522 marks - 2x GeForce 7800 GTX @ 663/753.50mhz - Opteron 148 @ 3405MHz 7800GTX 256 SLI @ 623+40delta=663/1507 watercooled 5. ΑΝ7 OverClocker - 36239 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 620/750mhz - DFI NF4 Sli-D//2*512 UTT @ 247@ 2-2-2-5 @ 3.2v//7950GX2 @ 620/1500 @ stock volts @ stock cooling 6. Borg - 34997 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 588/605mhz - E6600@3520MHZ - 7950GX2 @588/1.21GHz - Everything on air 7. junior-21- - 32396 marks - GeForce 7900 GTX @ 745/900mhz - HOT powa!!!! 8. giorgos th. - 31771 marks - GeForce 7900 GTX @ 730/900mhz - no description 9. Dinos111 - 29560 marks - GeForce 7800 GTX 512MB @ 636/994mhz - no description 10. NIKOSE - 28384 marks - GeForce 7950 GT @ 644/817mhz - no description 3Dmark 2003 Nvidia GeForce 8 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. No_Name (AwardFabrik) - 116253.00 - deleted on 26/08/2008 17:09:25 by No_Name (owner:No_Name) - Setup: QX9650@5333MHz, 3x 8800Ultra @ 930/1200, Mushkin XP2 6400@1200 4-3-3-10, 1200Watt PSU PCPC, XFX 780 SLI Mainboard only vCore mod, cpu-cooling= LN2, graphic-cooling= LN2, container made b 2. RoccoESA (Xpert-OC-Team) - 104213.00 - no description 3. Sampsa (Team Finland) - 103888.00 - Cannot currently make the project public, I'll try to reupload it ... 1. hipro5 - 99049 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 1012/1224mhz - X6800@5250MHz - SLI XFX 8800Ultras@1012MHz/1224MHz - PSU 1200Watts hipro-tech ONLY one PSU for all that heavy load - CellShock PC9200 at 1:1 and Cas 3-3-3-4-1T powered by a DDR Maximizer - CPU's LN2 Pot by Gorillakos and GPU's LN2 Pots Tek-9 by k|ngp|n 2. phil - 93015 marks - 3x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 675/990mhz - no description 3. inlovem - 91862 marks - 3x GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 660/1150mhz - no description 4. mickeymouse - 91302 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 930/1240mhz - no description 5. gprhellas - 87653 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 900/1161mhz - SLI_2x8800GTX(900-1161) on CASCSDE_CPU on LN2_RAMS BY MAXIMIXER_ALL BY ONE PSU HIPROs1200w 6. o polonos - 85706 marks - 3x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 630/1030mhz - no description 7. petr00kos - 75994 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 765/1060mhz - no description 8. GoriLLakoS - 72636 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 706/1080mhz - Intel QX6700 @3500Mhz Stock Cooler - Dual 8800 Ultra 706/1080 air 9. TASOS - 66859 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 625/1011mhz - no description 10. mariosalice - 66364 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 633/980mhz - no description 3Dmark 2003 Nvidia GeForce 9 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. [DRACO] ( (Team OCX) - 134479.00 - BY [DRACO] & GIGABYTE (SPAIN) 2. Mayk (Russian Overs Team) - 133872.00 - no description 3. Rol-Co (D-Most) - 133233.00 - cpu vapo Ls cooled, vga's stock cooling chilled air ... 1. giorgos th. - 118354 marks - 2x GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 745/1050mhz - no description 2. mortisboy - 117510 marks - 2x GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 725/1050mhz - I've got problem getting the compare URL , , 3. gprhellas - 98063 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 972/1151mhz - single 9800GX2 @ 972-1151 on gpr pot @LN2 - Foxconn BlackOps motherboard - hipro-tech 1200Watts PSU. 4. tsan - 96866 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 950/1150mhz - no description 5. LevelOne - 91544 marks - 2x GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 760/1100mhz - no description 6. Stelaras - 90615 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 835/1150mhz - E8600@6000 mhz - Nvidia 9800GX2 @ 835/1150 7. dread77 - 85542 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 771/1154mhz - no description 8. BenchZowner - 84747 marks - 2x GeForce 9800 GTX @ 820/1235mhz - no description 9. kintaro - 84176 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 791/1175mhz - no description 10. petr00kos - 83466 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 770/1095mhz - E8400 - Rampage Formula - Corsair dominator 1200 - PC Power & Cooling 610w @ Single Stage - afiewromeno ston katoxo tou xLabs pou ton agapame generated by hwbot - -
  10. 3Dmark01 Ranking ---------------------------------------------------- 3Dmark 2001 is a popular benchmark application to measure videocard/processor performance. download here Rules - don't use multiple nicknames - only post scores belonging to you - 1024x768x32bit only - include a screenshot or a futuremark compareurl of the result Guidelines - format your score as follows: [hwbot] score - system description [/hwbot] - try not to use abbreviations. eg. 'opteron 146' is ok, '146' is too short. - format processor overclock like 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' or 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz', format videocard speed as 'R9800 @ 350/333Mhz'. - allowed score formats: '12345' or '12345 3dmarks' or '12345 marks' - don't use text layout (bold, italic) or hyperlinks in your system description. bot info moderators: GoriLLakoS, pclab, RootX, darkCount, Stelaras, TASOS, deadlock7, mortisboy, hipro5, Costas members who changed team: options: update ranking now team ranking - hall of fame rank - top 10 average - team name - weekly & monthly rankchange - links 1. 126366.90 H.O.T. - ~ ~ - website - forum 2. 123768.40 PURE - ~ ~ - website 3. 122567.60 AwardFabrik - ~ ~ - website - forum 4. 118590.10 Team OCX - ~ +2 - website - forum 5. 117973.90 Russian Overs Team - ~ +2 - website ... member ranking - hall of fame - more 1. Vivi (Team South Africa) - 135601.00 - Finally got what i wanted. Very pleased with the end result! Card: -135. 28 heatsinks on card. Corsair 1000W psu / 1800cl7 memory / Corsair SSD. Asus RE and Gtx 295!! 2. k|ngp|n (PURE) - 135462.00 - E8600 Dragon F1 Extreme LN2 Cooled | EVGA GTX295 Tek9- 5.0 LN2 Cooled | KINGPINCOOLING.COM 3. SF3D (Team Finland) - 135218.00 - Some E8600 fun! I love it! ... 1. hipro5 - 133944 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 1080/1160mhz - Powering the VGA by my VGA Maximizer... ) 2. Aristidis - 130214 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 940/1180mhz - no description 3. tsan - 130001 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 762/1189mhz - no description 4. TONY GAL - 127187 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 745/1200mhz - no description 5. giorgos th. - 125399 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 715/1150mhz - just fooling around.... 6. gprhellas - 125080 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 961/1151mhz - gprhellas-E8600@6308MHz@-160°C-SINGLE 9800GX2@961-1151 ON gpr POT REV1.3 -LOD 4.8- hipro-tech 1200Watts PSU. , 7. crio - 124650 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 860/1221mhz - Core 2 Duo - E8600 @6109Mhz on LN2 - GTX295 @860/1221 LN2 8. mortisboy - 124439 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4890 @ 1000/1190mhz - ...just warming up :-) 9. Stelaras - 122318 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 770/1200mhz - E8600@5950 - Nvidia 295gtx @ 770/1200 10. mickeymouse - 120437 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870 @ 1000/1140mhz - no description 11. TASOS - 118751 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 745/1115mhz - no description 12. dread77 - 117283 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 880/1050mhz - no description 13. zafiropo - 114864 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 699/1136mhz - no description 14. petr00kos - 112528 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 830/1060mhz - * petr00kos benching while in army * 15. phil - 111904 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 790/915mhz - no description 16. junior-21- - 110268 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 800/975mhz - E8600 @5909Mhz LN2 - 4870X2 800/975 air 17. BenchZowner - 106735 marks - GeForce GTX 280 @ 891/1215mhz - Just a quick test. 18. psilos - 106055 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 800/1190mhz - no description 19. eko - 105111 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 850/1000mhz - no description 20. Thodoris21 - 102368 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870 @ 830/1000mhz - no description 21. NIKOSE - 101623 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 830/1000mhz - no description 22. varachio - 101229 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 757/1123mhz - Vgpu:1,23v... 23. HighT3ch - 98823 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 900/1000mhz - no description 24. elefsinaras - 97719 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 850/990mhz - no description 25. Dinos111 - 95405 marks - Radeon HD 4870 @ 905/970mhz - Vga Memory Size 1024 MB 26. kintaro - 94481 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 771/1158mhz - no description 27. CCC - 94039 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 820/960mhz - no description 28. o polonos - 92517 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 830/1150mhz - no description 29. Webhunter - 92448 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 846/1110mhz - 8500@5080 with DICE Eleven's POT - Gigabyte 8800 GTS 512 stock air , Bench session joined with -polonos- VGA is mine 30. imposer - 91948 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 775/1100mhz - no description 31. F117 - 90526 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 915/1170mhz - On ICE LoL 90k "bet" 32. billpeppas - 89976 marks - GeForce GTX 280 @ 1050/1326mhz - E8600 @ 3997MHz - Geforce GTX 280 @ 1050/1326 - for GOOC 2009 33. racer - 89451 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 750/1110mhz - Resolution is 1024.. Sorry for the bad screenshot.. 34. LevelOne - 88523 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 800/950mhz - no description 35. jax7480 - 87996 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4850 @ 685/1090mhz - no description 36. galanakop - 87114 marks - videocard unknown - no description 37. BeetleJuice - 87089 marks - videocard unknown - E8500 @ 4897Mhz - 3870X2@ 870/950 - cpu ss ,STOCK gpu 38. fafoylis - 85175 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 900/1070mhz - no description 39. coolmind - 85104 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 @ 837/1350mhz - no description 40. Chosen - 84076 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 655/1060mhz - E8500 @ 4503 (474x9.5) 1.6V, 8800GTX @ 655/1060 (Shader 1580), 2x2048Mb OCZ PC2-8000 5-5-5-15 41. KChris - 83343 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3850 256MB @ 904/1017mhz - no description 42. darkCount - 82581 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 640/1050mhz - Core 2 Duo 6600@4400Mhz on Frozen Armor SS - 8800GTX SLI@640/1050 on air 43. sofos1990 - 82484 marks - GeForce GTX 280 - i7 965@3990-GTX280 stock cooling for GOOC 44. George_13 - 82481 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 719/1208mhz - Core 2 Duo - E6850 @ 4680 on esdee phase - 8800 Ultra @ 719/1208 on stock air 45. AN7 OverClocker - 82207 marks - 2x GeForce GTX 260 216SP @ 740/1230mhz - no description 46. LightBird - 82178 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 719/1208mhz - On esdee phase 47. Nick_p - 81872 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 850/950mhz - Core 2 Duo - X6800 @4907Mhz on BlackBox -100 casc8 - 2xHD 2900XT @850/950 on Air 48. ReaperX - 81745 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 685/1053mhz - no description 49. gregorisvas - 81346 marks - GeForce GTX 295 - Core i7 965 @ 4000MHz - GeForce GTX295 stock air - For GOOC 2009 50. $@39@ - 81153 marks - 2x GeForce GTX 260 216SP - no description 51. Spyrus - 80755 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 705/1045mhz - 9x500@600-5-5-5-4-2T@Asus Maximus Formula@Corsair Value 800 on HR-07@TRUE120+Papst-Air 52. patrik - 80488 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4850 @ 730/1120mhz - cf 4850 730-1120 each 53. Dagalidis - 78953 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 620/1008mhz - E8400 @ 4510 Mhz - NVIDIA 8800GTX @ 620/1008 - Full AirCooled System 54. zavlakas - 78113 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 720/1000mhz - no description 55. hvtecgr - 77653 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 710/1200mhz - no description 56. testakross - 76468 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 630/1003mhz - no description 57. wifi - 75875 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 660/1115mhz - TWINTECH 8800gtx@660/1115 - Core 2 Duo 6600@4652 on unseens ss 58. Shadow Hunter - 75480 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 700/1000mhz - no description 59. dom - 74911 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 XTX @ 742/1143mhz - 2X X1950XTX - E6700@4528MHZ - dry ice - X1950XTX@742/2286 - STOCK AIR 60. GoriLLakoS - 74497 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 666/887mhz - no description 61. Daidalos - 74056 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 @ 1080/1305mhz - no description 62. spiderdimGr - 74042 marks - GeForce GTX 280 @ 712/1200mhz - no description 63. spiderdim - 73988 marks - GeForce GTX 280 - Intel QX6700 @ 3880Mhz - GTX280 STOCK air For GOOC 2009 64. soki - 73593 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 817/1033mhz - Intel Core2 Duo E8400 @ 4590Mhz (9x510Mhz) 1.54Vcore @ Thermalright Ultra 120, TwinTech 8800GT 512MB @ 817/2000/1033 Mhz @ 1.23Vgpu @ Accelero S1, 4x1Gigabytes Transcend AxeRam DDR2800 @ 510Mhz @ 2.24Vmem @ 5-5-5-4-12-25, Gigabyte P35-DS3 @ F12 bios @ Vdr 65. xoldboyx - 73310 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 792/1063mhz - no description 66. Timoleros - 72801 marks - videocard unknown - E8400 @ 4000Mhz - ATI 4850 734/1110 - For GOOC 2009 67. Thorlite - 71723 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 576/900mhz - no description 68. FLO - 71614 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 660/1050mhz - 8800gtx@660/1050 - Core 2 Duo X6800@4300 on ss 69. panos16 - 71110 marks - Radeon HD 4850 @ 650/1030mhz - no description 70. NoDsl - 70648 marks - Radeon HD 2900 Pro 512 MB-512 Bit @ 860/999mhz - no description 71. perp - 70541 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 690/1190mhz - no description 72. THE GOD - 70139 marks - 2x Radeon X1900 XT 512mb @ 690/800mhz - X6800@4540Mhz MACH 2 GT 2X1900XT'S ON CROSSFIRE @690/1600 WATERCOOLING KOOLANCE EXOS 73. polonos - 69981 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 660/1070mhz - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3870 - Asus Commando - CellShock 1000 - BFG 8800GTX @ 660/1070 74. entergeozax - 69665 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 575/900mhz - no description 75. Tsif - 69593 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 735/1027mhz - Q6600@3960 - 8800GT @ 735/1027 3Dmark 2001 ATI Radeon 7000 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Kolian ( Team) - 8020.00 - no description 2. klopcha (Topmods.NET) - 7856.00 - Epox-8KDA3I // 256 MB Kingmax HardCore 247 Mhz 2.5-3-3-10-1T // Sapphire Radeon 7500 + timings mod // WD Raptor 74Gb // Catalyst 5.3 3. orange ( - 7797.00 - no description ... 1. Spyrus - 5852 marks - Radeon 7500 SDR - no description 2. zafiropo - 5271 marks - Radeon 7500 DDR @ 317/252mhz - no description 3. NoDsl - 5047 marks - Radeon 7500 SDR @ 300/250mhz - LOL 3Dmark 2001 ATI Radeon 9000 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Johnny Bravo (Bench Tec UK) - 40929.00 - no description 2. alibabar (OC-Lab) - 38198.00 - QX9650@4000 ATI Radeon 9800 PRO 501/396 3. Speedoo (PC Games Hardware) - 37552.00 - no description ... 1. ultraex2003 - 23117 marks - Radeon 9800 Pro @ 410/400mhz - ATHLON 64 3200@2401 SAPHIRE 9800 PRO 400@ 800 ALL AIR 2. g10 - 22367 marks - Radeon 9550 @ 630/210mhz - no description 3. Chosen - 20273 marks - Radeon 9800 Pro @ 300/400mhz - A ~4 year old score I found sitting here 4. NoDsl - 20207 marks - Radeon 9800 Pro @ 430/365mhz - no description 5. MadCatMk2 & cR@ZyBiLlYs.exe - 17619 marks - Radeon 9800 SE @ 393/349mhz - no description 6. JimmyFox - 17134 marks - Radeon 9600 XT @ 610/394mhz - Athlon64 3200+@2330MHz - Radeon 9600XT @ 610/788 7. AN7 OverClocker - 16647 marks - Radeon 9600 - no description 8. MadCatMk2 - 14144 marks - Radeon 9600 Pro @ 523/384mhz - Hardware: All MadCatMk2 9. racer - 14106 marks - Radeon 9600 Mobile @ 491/268mhz - no description 10. zafiropo - 12900 marks - Radeon 9600 @ 533/277mhz - no description 3Dmark 2001 ATI Radeon HD 2000 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. MTP04 (XtremeSystems) - 113672.00 - no description 2. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 109233.00 - 2900pro 512+2900xt 512, no mods, CCC limited 3. Nazar (PURE) - 106732.00 - no description ... 1. mickeymouse - 103054 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 1170/999mhz - no description 2. mortisboy - 101558 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 880/960mhz - Ε8500 on BlackBox -100 - ΙΧ38 QuadGT - 2x2900XT - hipro-tech 1200W 3. hipro5 - 99656 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 1360/1034mhz - SINGLE ASUS HD2900XT at 1360MHz Core and 1034MHz Rams....Testing my new Mods for now... ) 4. giorgos th. - 98683 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 850/990mhz - QX9650 @ 5507mhz - dual 2900XT 512mb @ 850/990 - LN2/stock air 5. elefsinaras - 97719 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 850/990mhz - no description 6. gprhellas - 87187 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 844/1053mhz - 2900XT CROSSFIRE ON STOCK AIR (844/1053), CPU ON LN2 -125 7. tsan - 85617 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 740/820mhz - no description 8. TASOS - 84729 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 1022/1023mhz - no description 9. Nick_p - 81872 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 850/950mhz - Core 2 Duo - X6800 @4907Mhz on BlackBox -100 casc8 - 2xHD 2900XT @850/950 on Air 10. AN7 OverClocker - 77859 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 890/930mhz - no description 3Dmark 2001 ATI Radeon HD 3000 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 110832.00 - no description 2. -seb- (AwardFabrik) - 109309.00 - no description 3. slamms ( - 108750.00 - no description ... 1. dread77 - 104253 marks - Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 823/900mhz - ... Powered by OKTABIT!!! 2. tsan - 103244 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 @ 958/1296mhz - no description 3. hipro5 - 100072 marks - Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 985/1085mhz - CPU = QX9650ES @ 5708MHz at 476MHz FSB - VGA = Shaphire HD 3870x2 @ 985/1085 - PSU = 1200Watts hipro-tech - Rams = CellShock DDR3 PC14400 at 951.5MHz(1903MHz DDR) and Cas 7-6-5-15-1T powered by a DDR Maximizer - CPU's LN2 Pot by Gorillakos, 4. mortisboy - 99952 marks - Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 950/1107mhz - Abit still rocks 5. Stelaras - 99392 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3850 @ 895/1000mhz - E8500@5565 - Radeon Ati HD3850 CF @ 895/1000 6. gprhellas - 99112 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 @ 1039/1386mhz - no description 7. crio - 96306 marks - Radeon HD 3850 256MB @ 1122/1128mhz - Crustyclowns pots worked great with the vcore-vmem mods and gave this!!! 8. varachio - 87049 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3850 256MB @ 769/1080mhz - no description 9. coolmind - 85104 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3870 @ 837/1350mhz - no description 10. giorgos th. - 83685 marks - Radeon HD 3850 @ 810/1000mhz - no description 3Dmark 2001 ATI Radeon HD 4000 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 128041.00 - test run on 6500, then mobo die %) 2. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 127435.00 - The Vesuvius exploded 3. AndreYang (PURE) - 127398.00 - Test trash E8600 first. 6500+ next time. ... 1. hipro5 - 127435 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870 @ 1100/1300mhz - The Vesuvius exploded 2. tsan - 125128 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4890 @ 1000/1180mhz - no description 3. mortisboy - 124439 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4890 @ 1000/1190mhz - ...just warming up :-) 4. mickeymouse - 120437 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870 @ 1000/1140mhz - no description 5. TONY GAL - 120419 marks - Radeon HD 4890 @ 1230/1190mhz - no description 6. Stelaras - 118015 marks - 2x Radeon HD 4870 @ 940/1200mhz - E8600@6035 - Ati HD4870 CF @ 940/1200 7. dread77 - 117283 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 880/1050mhz - no description 8. Aristidis - 116787 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 965/1070mhz - no description 9. TASOS - 115052 marks - Radeon HD 4870 @ 950/1200mhz - no description 10. petr00kos - 112528 marks - Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 830/1060mhz - * petr00kos benching while in army * 3Dmark 2001 ATI Radeon X1000 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 94562.00 - Intel Core 2 Duo X6800 Conroe @ 5437MHz - under LN2 cooling (Gorilakos Pot) - X1950 CrossFire @ 990/1143 under esdee's cascades - DDR Maximizer for the Rams 2. Kinc (NordicHardware OC Team) - 90702.00 - X6800 @ 5104MHz (liquid nitrogen at -130°C) ASUS P5B Deluxe Corsair C3 6400 1:1, 3-3-3-12 @ 2.85v PowerColor X1950XTX CrossFire 882/1143MHz PSU: Cooltek 600W |more info@,4747.html 3. crotale (NordicHardware OC Team) - 89120.00 - Kinc + crotale :: :: X1950 Crossfire ... 1. hipro5 - 94562 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 XTX - Intel Core 2 Duo X6800 Conroe @ 5437MHz - under LN2 cooling (Gorilakos Pot) - X1950 CrossFire @ 990/1143 under esdee's cascades - DDR Maximizer for the Rams 2. mickeymouse - 87906 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 Pro 256mb @ 756/776mhz - no description 3. NIKOSE - 76950 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 Pro 512mb @ 668/745mhz - no description 4. dom - 74911 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 XTX @ 742/1143mhz - 2X X1950XTX - E6700@4528MHZ - dry ice - X1950XTX@742/2286 - STOCK AIR 5. mortisboy - 72100 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 XTX @ 736/1098mhz - Core 2 Duo - E6750 @4416Mhz on Vapo LS - X1950XTX Crossfire @736/1098 Custom w/c 6. TASOS - 70552 marks - Radeon X1900 XTX @ 817/900mhz - no description 7. THE GOD - 70139 marks - 2x Radeon X1900 XT 512mb @ 690/800mhz - X6800@4540Mhz MACH 2 GT 2X1900XT'S ON CROSSFIRE @690/1600 WATERCOOLING KOOLANCE EXOS 8. Stelaras - 68510 marks - Radeon X1900 XTX @ 823/936mhz - C2D E6700@4350Mhz - X1900XTX 823/936Mhz 9. giorgos th. - 67670 marks - Radeon X1900 XT 512mb @ 716/783mhz - no description 10. hadji_a - 63541 marks - Radeon X1900 XT 512mb @ 710/800mhz - Conroe E6600 @4300 Custom Phase by Unseen - ATI x1900xt @710/800 Water by Eleven 3Dmark 2001 ATI Radeon X800 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Evocarlos (Bench Tec UK) - 74754.00 - no description 2. mortisboy (H.O.T.) - 74238.00 - E8500@5516 - AxeRam 1200@ 580 5-5-5-15 - IX38 QuadGT - 2xATi X850XT@ 580/650 3. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 69234.00 - no description ... 1. mortisboy - 74238 marks - 2x Radeon X850 XT @ 580/650mhz - E8500@5516 - AxeRam 1200@ 580 5-5-5-15 - IX38 QuadGT - 2xATi X850XT@ 580/650 2. giorgos th. - 60641 marks - 2x Radeon X850 XT @ 580/620mhz - no description 3. HighT3ch - 57444 marks - Radeon X800 XT @ 625/567mhz - no description 4. g10 - 50437 marks - 2x Radeon X800 XT @ 400/490mhz - no description 5. ThorLite - 42716 marks - Radeon X800 XL @ 456/570mhz - Intel Core 2 Duo E6700@3.47Ghz - Air Cooled, ATI X800XL 456/570 6. NIKOSE - 42274 marks - Radeon X800 XL @ 434/535mhz - no description 7. soki - 40273 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 526/567mhz - Core 2 Duo E6400 @ 8x449 = 3592 Mhz @ Thermalright Ultra 120, 2x1GB Cellshock Value D9GMH 5-5-5-15 @ 561 Mhz, Sapphire Radeon X800GTO2 Limited Edition 256 MB @ 526 Mhz Core - 567Mhz Memory. 8. Leon59 - 34485 marks - Radeon X800 XT - ATI X800XT 256MB ASUS - Intel E6300@3.0GHz- watercooled 9. killer55555 - 32287 marks - Radeon X850 XT @ 579/623mhz - no description 10. mech5107 - 17974 marks - Radeon X800 GTO PCIE @ 411.80/540mhz - Athlon XP 2400+@223*11@2v - 2*512 Twinmos UTT@223@2-2-2-5@3.2v - Abit NF7-s - Sapphire X800GTO@16pipes@412/540 - Cpu and Vga on custom W/C 3Dmark 2001 Intel GMA subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Jn_Freeman - 15754.00 - no description 2. Rain_in_may84 (PC Games Hardware) - 14816.00 - no description 3. Aditya (PURE) - 14549.00 - no description ... 1. TASOS - 11386 marks - GMA 3100 (G31, G33, Q35, Q33) @ 400/266mhz - no description 2. Shadow Hunter - 10793 marks - GMA 3100 (G31, G33, Q35, Q33) @ 400/0mhz - no description 3. patrik - 7919 marks - GMA 3100 (G31, G33, Q35, Q33) - no description 4. eythigramisi - 6127 marks - GMA 3100 (G31, G33, Q35, Q33) @ 400/266mhz - no description 5. giorgos th. - 5946 marks - GMA X3000 (G965) - no description 6. tsan - 5669 marks - GMA X3100 (GM965) - no description 7. George_o/c - 5455 marks - GMA X3100 (GM965) @ 500/0mhz - no description 8. NIKOSE - 4862 marks - GMA 900 82915G @ 333/0mhz - no description 9. panoc - 4151 marks - GMA 950 (GM945 Mobile) - Celeron M 410 - Intel GMA 950 - HP Pavilion DV5205EA 10. killer55555 - 4142 marks - GMA X3100 (GM965) - no description 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 2 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Schnitzel_12000 (PC Games Hardware) - 8041.00 - Thanks to Schrotflinte56 from PCGHX for provide the Geforce2 Ultra for HWbot. 2. Lippokratis (PC Games Hardware) - 7977.00 - no description 3. PCGH_Carsten (PC Games Hardware) - 7827.00 - no description ... 1. TASOS - 6157 marks - GeForce2 Pro @ 230/222mhz - SUMA - GF2 PRO 64MB 2. AN7 OverClocker - 5849 marks - GeForce2 Gts - no description 3. Chosen - 4640 marks - GeForce2 Ti @ 250/265mhz - no description 4. stealth - 4311 marks - GeForce2 MX400 32MB @ 246/230mhz - no description 5. Duncan1 - 3695 marks - GeForce2 MX400 64MB @ 245/200mhz - no description 6. zafiropo - 3139 marks - GeForce2 MX400 64MB @ 226/181mhz - no description 7. giorgos th. - 1246 marks - GeForce2 MX400 64MB SDR 64bit @ 200/143mhz - hehehehehehe 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 200 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Vivi (Team South Africa) - 135601.00 - Finally got what i wanted. Very pleased with the end result! Card: -135. 28 heatsinks on card. Corsair 1000W psu / 1800cl7 memory / Corsair SSD. Asus RE and Gtx 295!! 2. k|ngp|n (PURE) - 135462.00 - E8600 Dragon F1 Extreme LN2 Cooled | EVGA GTX295 Tek9- 5.0 LN2 Cooled | KINGPINCOOLING.COM 3. SF3D (Team Finland) - 135218.00 - Some E8600 fun! I love it! ... 1. hipro5 - 133944 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 1080/1160mhz - Powering the VGA by my VGA Maximizer... ) 2. Aristidis - 130214 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 940/1180mhz - no description 3. tsan - 130001 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 762/1189mhz - no description 4. TONY GAL - 127187 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 745/1200mhz - no description 5. giorgos th. - 125399 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 715/1150mhz - just fooling around.... 6. crio - 124650 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 860/1221mhz - Core 2 Duo - E8600 @6109Mhz on LN2 - GTX295 @860/1221 LN2 7. Stelaras - 122318 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 770/1200mhz - E8600@5950 - Nvidia 295gtx @ 770/1200 8. TASOS - 118751 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 745/1115mhz - no description 9. zafiropo - 114864 marks - GeForce GTX 295 @ 699/1136mhz - no description 10. BenchZowner - 106735 marks - GeForce GTX 280 @ 891/1215mhz - Just a quick test. 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 3 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. SoddemFX (Bench Tec UK) - 16134.00 - Ti500 cooled by cascade @ 340MHz core, 305MHz (610MHz DDR) memory. Opteron 148 @ 3.3GHz, BH-5 @ 236MHz. BenchTec UK, home of the fastest GF3 on Earth ) 2. sparkY1000 (Bench Tec UK) - 15406.00 - sparkY1000 and SoddemFX - BenchTec UK, Cascade cooled Geforce 3, X6800 @3.3GHz 3. spliffs (Futuremark Forums) - 15014.00 - 285*10(1:1) 2;2;2;5 1T; 270/570 agp@100 all air test run ... 1. varachio - 13026 marks - GeForce 3 Ti500 @ 272/294mhz - No volt mods... I'll return soon with a faster cpu.... 2. ultraex2003 - 10714 marks - GeForce 3 @ 250/550mhz - ATHLON XP 2600@2165 MSI G-FORCE 3 250/550 ALL AIR 3. Chosen - 7202 marks - GeForce 3 Ti200 64MB - no description 4. zafiropo - 7068 marks - GeForce 3 @ 243/258mhz - no description 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 4 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Johnny Bravo (Bench Tec UK) - 23675.00 - x6800 @ 3.9GHz AsRock, 4CoreDual-VSTA FSB@300, 2x512MB Corsair 8000UL@300 3-2-2-5, Gainward Ti4800se GPU@390 MEM@710. CPU under water gpu under phase. Card has really bad memory 2. spliffs (Futuremark Forums) - 23227.00 - no description 3. Turrican (Team OCX) - 22818.00 - Asrock 4CoreDual-SATA2 with Vcore mod, 2GB G.Skill 2GBHZ ... 1. JimmyFox - 16113 marks - GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE @ 330/730mhz - Athlon64 2800+@2205MHz - GeForce4 4800SE @ 330/730 2. Chosen - 14050 marks - GeForce4 Ti 4200 128 @ 310/296.50mhz - no description 3. Duncan1 - 7404 marks - GeForce4 MX 440 DDR @ 335/259mhz - no description 4. Vediovis - 6694 marks - GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x - and the cooler of my gpu it is dead!!! 5. blindy - 5540 marks - GeForce4 MX 4000 64-bit @ 360/225mhz - no description 6. Rhondia - 4574 marks - GeForce4 MX 440-8x @ 360/370mhz - no description 7. MadCatMk2 - 4529 marks - GeForce4 440 Go 64M - asdfasdf 8. imposer - 4492 marks - GeForce4 MX 440 DDR @ 270/200mhz - no description 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 5 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. alibabar (OC-Lab) - 35612.00 - QX9650@4000 Geforce FX5900 XT 645/426 2. Turrican (Team OCX) - 32975.00 - Asrock 4CoreDual-SATA2 with Vcore mod, 2GB G.Skill 2GBHZ, 3. maxine ( - 32281.00 - Aopen Aeolus Geforce 5900XT at 600/500Mhz with Accelero S1 & Vcore=1763mV, VDD=VDDQ=2.71v || intel QX6850 at 3779Mhz waku by Dtek Fuzion || Asrock 4CoreDual-SATA2 with all voltmods || 2 x 512mb Fatbody at 290Mhz 3-2-2-5-1T ... 1. TASOS - 27261 marks - GeForce FX 5900 PCX @ 505/380mhz - no description 2. varachio - 20562 marks - GeForce FX 5900 XT @ 470/421mhz - no description 3. NIKOSE - 17230 marks - GeForce FX 5750 PCX @ 515/542mhz - no description 4. fafoylis - 17025 marks - GeForce FX 5750 PCX @ 500/542mhz - no description 5. stealth - 16392 marks - GeForce FX 5700 @ 558/328mhz - no description 6. JimmyFox - 13623 marks - GeForce FX 5700 Go @ 360/310mhz - Laptop: Acer 1511LMi , CPU: A64 3000+@2049MHz, GPU: Nvidia FX Go5700@360/620 7. ultraex2003 - 13069 marks - GeForce FX 5600 @ 300/300mhz - ATHLON XP 2600@2180 ASUS 5600@ 300/ 600 ALL AIR 8. Vediovis - 13039 marks - GeForce FX 5700 @ 500/300mhz - no description 9. KING_OF_O/C - 11762 marks - GeForce FX 5700 @ 425/251mhz - no description 10. king2009 - 9512 marks - GeForce FX 5700 @ 526/350mhz - no description 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 6 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. alibabar (OC-Lab) - 76472.00 - E8600@5400 Geforce 6800 GS 256MB SLi 660/670 2. RedCobra (AwardFabrik) - 73123.00 - no description 3. DerMalle (HardwareLuxx Germany) - 68077.00 - no description ... 1. phil - 55175 marks - 2x GeForce 6600 GT PCI-e @ 635/600mhz - no description 2. junior-21- - 50836 marks - GeForce 6800 GS (NV41) 512 Mb @ 484/948mhz - best score could do with my half dead 6800 3. Shadow Hunter - 46306 marks - GeForce 6800 GT @ 401/575mhz - no description 4. giorgos th. - 45634 marks - GeForce 6600 GT PCI-e @ 670/650mhz - no description 5. NIKOSE - 44933 marks - GeForce 6600 GT PCI-e @ 668/564mhz - no description 6. tsif - 43535 marks - GeForce 6800 GS (NV42) 256 Mb - no description 7. tsan - 39072 marks - GeForce 6600 GT PCI-e @ 603/570mhz - no description 8. HighT3ch - 37521 marks - GeForce 6600 GT PCI-e @ 620/1140mhz - no description 9. g10 - 36897 marks - GeForce 6800 Agp @ 480/480mhz - no description 10. obijuan1983 - 30670 marks - GeForce 6800 GT @ 461/610mhz - A64X2 3800+@ 2.75Ghz - Nvidia 6800GT@ 461/1220 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 7 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. zafiropo (H.O.T.) - 92668.00 - 92668 - E8600@5498 - Nvidia 7950 GT SLI @ 714/817 2. Matti OC (Hardwareoverclock) - 91485.00 - no description 3. Perica_barii (HW GURUS) - 90705.00 - no description ... 1. zafiropo - 92668 marks - 2x GeForce 7950 GT @ 714/819mhz - 92668 - E8600@5498 - Nvidia 7950 GT SLI @ 714/817 2. junior-21- - 83797 marks - GeForce 7900 GTX @ 785/905mhz - no description 3. mortisboy - 75770 marks - GeForce 7950 GT @ 660/750mhz - no description 4. giorgos th. - 72539 marks - GeForce 7900 GTX @ 740/900mhz - no description 5. Dinos111 - 72367 marks - GeForce 7800 GTX 512MB @ 636/995mhz - no description 6. phil - 71594 marks - GeForce 7800 GTX @ 670/725mhz - no description 7. NIKOSE - 66807 marks - 2x GeForce 7800 GTX @ 601/731.50mhz - no description 8. crio - 65849 marks - GeForce 7800 GTX @ 620/750.50mhz - Still testing 9. elefsinaras - 63699 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 600/775mhz - conroe X6800 @ 4502Mhz - XFX 7950GX2 @ 600/775 Phase/air 10. wifi - 61902 marks - GeForce 7900 GTX @ 680/840mhz - MSI 7900GTX - C2D E6600@4634 - 7900GTX 680/840 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 8 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Vivi (Team South Africa) - 126279.00 - very bad run >_<. had some issues, and then ran out of ln2. nature should be 1825 (even my dice run at 1030 was higher), lob high 701, etc... will be back! just discovered i can run 6175, so 129k is possible. Ill gun it next time 2. k|ngp|n (PURE) - 121466.00 - QX9650 Dragon F1 eXtreme LN2 cooled | 2X EVGA 8800 GTS SLI TEK-9 3.0 LN2 cooled | EVGA 790iULTRA | CORSAIR DOMINATOR 1800C7 | SILVERSTONE 1200W | | 3. pro ( - 118458.00 - foxconn qf scholars, first run on the dreadnought, looking good so far, gotta work out my memory timings and push those gts a bit further! tek9 4.0 so easy to work with on the gigabyte 8800gts, corsair ... 1. mickeymouse - 111015 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 1050/1120mhz - no description 2. gprhellas - 111006 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 850/1200mhz - SLI TESTING 3. hipro5 - 107758 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 1024/1238mhz - SINGLE XFX 8800 Ultra @ 1024MHz core and 1238MHz rams - PSU = 1200Watts hipro-tech - Rams = CellShock PC14400 at 961MHz (1922MHz DDR) and Cas 7-6-6-6-16-1T powered by a DDR Maximizer - CPU LN2 Pot by Gorillakos and GPU LN2 Pot Tek-9 by k|ngp|n 4. tsan - 95237 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 900/1224mhz - no description 5. phil - 94832 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 805/1161mhz - no description 6. elefsinaras - 93881 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 967/1205mhz - no description 7. o polonos - 92517 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 830/1150mhz - no description 8. Webhunter - 92448 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 846/1110mhz - 8500@5080 with DICE Eleven's POT - Gigabyte 8800 GTS 512 stock air , Bench session joined with -polonos- VGA is mine 9. Stelaras - 91964 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 900/1080mhz - E8500@4890Mhz - 8800GTS 512MB @900/1080 10. F117 - 90526 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 915/1170mhz - On ICE LoL 90k "bet" 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 9 series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 129428.00 - Some tests... ) 2. k|ngp|n (PURE) - 129269.00 - ASUS RAMPAGE EXTREME | EVGA 9800GX2 | CORSAIR DOMINATOR 3. pro ( - 128976.00 - P45/DDR2 still lives! Overclocking on a budget! Team.AU - 8600 @ 6.4, Foxconn GX2 @ 1030/1191, Biostar I45, Crucial Ballistix 8500s... sorry ill buy you some more ln2! ... 1. hipro5 - 129428 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 972/1160mhz - Some tests... ) 2. gprhellas - 125080 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 961/1151mhz - gprhellas-E8600@6308MHz@-160°C-SINGLE 9800GX2@961-1151 ON gpr POT REV1.3 -LOD 4.8- hipro-tech 1200Watts PSU. , 3. tsan - 121953 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 950/1150mhz - no description 4. Stelaras - 119163 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 835/1150mhz - E8600@6000 mhz - Nvidia 9800GX2 @ 835/1150 mhz 5. dread77 - 107063 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 771/1154mhz - no description 6. psilos - 106055 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 800/1190mhz - no description 7. petr00kos - 103312 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 785/1132mhz - PC Power&Cooling 610w - Rampage Formula - CORSAIR Dominator 1200 4-4-4-8 - E8400 - eVGA 9800 GX2 Stock 8. BenchZowner - 100566 marks - 2x GeForce 9800 GTX @ 842/1224mhz - Just warming up 9. zafiropo - 94731 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 750/1110mhz - no description 10. kintaro - 94481 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 771/1158mhz - no description 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia Quadro series subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. noxon (OcTeamDenmark) - 68942.00 - no description 2. SoddemFX (Bench Tec UK) - 66108.00 - SoddemFX and Sparky1000, BenchTec UK 3. aditya (PURE) - 59197.00 - no description ... 1. petr00kos - 16979 marks - GeForce 8400 GS (G86) 256 Mb @ 459/400mhz - * testing with SS * 2. Thorlite - 16140 marks - GeForce 8400 GS (G86) 256 Mb @ 525/340mhz - no description 3. g10 - 13043 marks - 2x GeForce 8400 GS (G86) 256 Mb @ 650/0mhz - no description generated by hwbot - -
  11. SuperPi Ranking ---------------------------------------------------- SuperPi is a quick and easy way to measure processor / chipset performance. download here Rules - don't use multiple nicknames - only post scores belonging to you - 1M calculation only - include a screenshot of the result Guidelines - format your score as follows: [hwbot] score - system description [/hwbot] - try not to use abbreviations. eg. 'opteron 146' is ok, '146' is too short. - format processor overclock like 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' or 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz', format videocard speed as 'R9800 @ 350/333Mhz'. - allowed score formats: '120.34' or '120.34s' or '120.34sec' - don't use text layout (bold, italic) or hyperlinks in your system description. bot info moderators: GoriLLakoS, pclab, RootX, darkCount, Stelaras, TASOS, deadlock7, mortisboy, hipro5, Costas members who changed team: Astri (OutOfSpecs.Gr) options: update ranking now team ranking - hall of fame rank - top 10 average - team name - weekly & monthly rankchange - links 1. 6.97 AwardFabrik - ~ ~ - website - forum 2. 7.03 PURE - ~ +1 - website 3. 7.06 H.O.T. - ~ -1 - website - forum 4. 7.12 Team OCX - +1 +1 - website - forum 5. 7.15 JMax-Hardware - -1-1 - website - forum ... member ranking - hall of fame - more 1. stummerwinter (AwardFabrik) - 6.67 - THANX TO ASUS, THE AF-CREW AND THE AF-HWBOT-TEAM FOR PUSHING ME! 2. DeDaL ( - 6.75 - 2nd day Full tweaked WinXP, tRD9 (Backup ) 3. [shark OC Team]F.O.G.N.A. ( OC Team) - 6.77 - no description ... 1. tsan - 6sec 860ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6610mhz - 1003mod bios by tsan cpu 84xaxxx no coldbug -185, test test test 2. Aristidis - 6sec 950ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6490mhz - no description 3. hipro5 - 6sec 980ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6507mhz - Just for fun breaking the 7sec barrier... ) 4. giorgos th. - 6sec 990ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6475mhz - hope more to come... 5. mortisboy - 7sec 0ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6460mhz - this normally was sub time 6. crio - 7sec 20ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6470mhz - Testing the new pot by Duniek and my skills when i bench alone 7. Stelaras - 7sec 60ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6390mhz - Core 2 Duo E8600@6390 Mhz - LN2 Gorillo-Pot 8. TONY GAL - 7sec 190ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6300mhz - For MOA 2009 Tony and Kintaro 9. dread77 - 7sec 220ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6324mhz - no description 10. mickeymouse - 7sec 300ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6363mhz - no description 11. TASOS - 7sec 300ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6324mhz - no description SuperPi Athlon 64 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. DAZEB (, Thailand) - 21.20 - no description 2. funkflix (AwardFabrik) - 21.34 - no description 3. knopflerbruce (PURE) - 21.63 - no description ... 1. ageorge2500 - 23sec 240ms - Athlon 64 LE-1600@3586mhz - no description 2. esdee - 24sec 990ms - Athlon 64 3500+ Venice@3360mhz - Venice 3500+ r507 promie 3. Spyrus - 26sec 0ms - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3141mhz - Athlon 64 3700+ SanDiego @ 3141MHz - DFI nF4 Ultra D - Air Cooling:XP-120+Papst 4. ThorLite - 26sec 330ms - Athlon 64 4000+ Clawhammer - A64 4000+ 0.13μ@3201mz,DFI Ultra D,Patriot TCCD 5. TASOS - 26sec 990ms - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3040mhz - no description SuperPi Athlon 64 X2 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. MaSell (Team OCX) - 20.22 - no description 2. Pepek - ClockMeUp! (United Team of Poland) - 20.47 - ADX6400IAA6CZ S/N:1751272H70275 CCB8F 0730DPMW Vcpu: 1,75 Vram: 2,5 temp. -25C, 3. Anaboliss (HardwareLuxx Germany) - 20.89 - no description ... 1. dreezaster - 23sec 780ms - Athlon 64 6400+ X2@3480.40mhz - no description 2. JimmyFox - 23sec 940ms - Athlon 64 5200+ X2 Windsor@3454mhz - no description 3. spiderdimGr - 23sec 970ms - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3576.10mhz - no description 4. papatsonis - 24sec 0ms - Athlon 64 5200+ X2 Windsor@3443mhz - 5. jimakos - 24sec 270ms - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3510mhz - Amd Athlon 64 X2 6000@ 3510mhz - On Water, Dfi Lanparty 790FX M2R , Socket (940) Am2 SuperPi Athlon XP subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. tiborrr (OC-Lab) - 34.44 - tiborrr -34.438s - AXP 2200+@3120MHz, 2.05V - locked multi CPU | 2x256MB BH-5 DDR-400@462 2-2-2-7 | Abit NF7-S rev2.0 | 2-stage cascade cooled CPU | Special thanks goes to Moonman for lending OCZ DDR booster! 2. borsti (Xpert-OC-Team) - 34.78 - changed cooling method 3. pxhx ([OverBR] Team Brazil) - 34.97 - no description ... 1. Spyrus - 41sec 990ms - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2367mhz - no description 2. mech5107 - 42sec 530ms - Athlon XP 2400+ Thoroughbred @2450.10mhz - Athlon XP 2400+@223*11@2v - 2*512 Twinmos UTT@223@2-2-2-5@3.2v - Abit NF7-s - Custom W/C 3. viper - 43sec 0ms - Athlon XP 1800+ Thoroughbred @2433mhz - no description 4. killer55555 - 43sec 220ms - Athlon XP 2800+@2438mhz - no description 5. Webhunter - 44sec 720ms - Athlon XP 2700+@2565mhz - no description SuperPi Athlon XP-M subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Massman (Madshrimps Belgium OC Team) - 31.70 - Geoffrey & Massman @ the AwardFabrik Overclocking Meisterschaft 2008 2. ryba (Team OCX) - 31.95 - Athlon XP Barton 2600+ @ 3301MHz Abit NF7 3. sobih (United Team of Poland) - 32.39 - Athlon XP-M Barton 2500+ @ 3305 MHz/ cascade by piotres R290/R744 ... 1. Shadow Hunter - 35sec 990ms - Athlon XP-M 2600+@2745mhz - DFI LanParty UT nF2 Ultra with Athlon XP-M 2600@1.75vcore, 2x512 Twinmoss PC3200 UTT chips@3.32vMem 2-2-2-11, Under Koolance, 2+ years old benchmark. 2. hayabusa - 56sec 140ms - Athlon XP-M 2000+ Barton@2175mhz - no description 3. stealth - 1min 9sec 160ms - Athlon XP-M 2400+ Barton@1795.50mhz - no description SuperPi Core 2 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. jabski (Bench Tec UK) - 12.39 - no description 2. splmann (ocaholics - Overclocking Team ) - 13.33 - no description 3. Traxman (JMax-Hardware) - 14.36 - no description ... 1. George_o/c - 14sec 860ms - Celeron LGA775 430@4320mhz - Celeron 430 @ 4320MHz @ 1.69V on Single Stage || Fully moded P5K Deluxe || Ballistix PC8500 D9GMH @ 600MHz 4-4-4-4 1T + fully tweaked sub-timings || 75MB XP+SP2 nLited setup ... 2. TASOS - 15sec 250ms - Celeron LGA775 E1400@4340mhz - un-tweaked 3. TONY GAL - 15sec 640ms - Celeron LGA775 E1400@4350mhz - some quick test for fun..... 4. stealth - 16sec 129ms - Celeron LGA775 440@3746.60mhz - no description 5. pastelidis - 18sec 200ms - Celeron LGA775 E1200@3601mhz - no description SuperPi Core 2 Duo subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. DeDaL ( - 6.75 - 2nd day Full tweaked WinXP, tRD9 (Backup ) 2. [shark OC Team]F.O.G.N.A. ( OC Team) - 6.77 - no description 3. Vivi (Team South Africa) - 6.78 - Q822A435 -144 | Corsair 1800mhz DDR3 | Corsair HX1000 | Pi run at 100% overclock! PP is still not good, did not have time to learn the tweaks. (Thanks George o/c i will use your tweaks next time ) ... 1. tsan - 6sec 860ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6610mhz - 1003mod bios by tsan cpu 84xaxxx no coldbug -185, test test test 2. Aristidis - 6sec 950ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6490mhz - no description 3. hipro5 - 6sec 980ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6507mhz - Just for fun breaking the 7sec barrier... ) 4. giorgos th. - 6sec 990ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6475mhz - hope more to come... 5. mortisboy - 7sec 0ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6460mhz - this normally was sub time SuperPi Core 2 Extreme subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. No_Name (AwardFabrik) - 7.44 - AwardFabrik_No_Name powered by Mushkin!, QX9650@6122@LN2@-135°C Ottipott, Mushkin Redline DDR2@1176@4-4-4-12, Mushkin 800W PSU, Asus P5K, 3DBlaster Banshee ;-). Special THX @ Steffen Eisenstein & Otterauge 2. coolaler (Team OCX) - 7.45 - QX9650@6058 Mhz - LN2 3. DeDaL ( - 7.45 - no description ... 1. hipro5 - 7sec 730ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5853mhz - QX9650 Yorkfield @ 5853MHz - VGA = PCI SIS - PSU = 1200Watts hipro-tech - Rams = 900MHz (1800MHz DDR) CellShock PC14400 and Cas 6-6-5-13 - powered by a DDR Maximizer - CPU`s LN2 Pot by Gorillakos. 2. tsan - 7sec 810ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5913mhz - no description 3. Aristidis - 7sec 890ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5906mhz - no description 4. gprhellas - 7sec 990ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5801mhz - QX9650 @ 5801MHz - ASUS P5E64 WS Pro (DDR3) - CPU under LN2 - powered by DDR Maximizer. 5. Dinos111 - 8sec 250ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5603.60mhz - no description SuperPi Core 2 Mobile subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. katiephil (Bench Tec UK) - 12.92 - no description 2. SArd ( Team) - 13.82 - no description 3. Xevipiu (Team OCX) - 13.84 - Intel Core 2 T7600 (2.33Ghz)@3684mhz 263x14 1,53V - 2x512 Corsair5400UL 3:5 438 4-3-2-1 ... 1. Yz250 - 16sec 670ms - Core T2600 (2.16Ghz)@3680mhz - Core Duo T 2600 2.16@3680MHz-Aopen 975-1 GB dual 3-2-2-1 3:4-phase 2. varachio - 17sec 190ms - Core 2 T9300 (2.5Ghz)@2500mhz - no description 3. TASOS - 17sec 560ms - Core 2 T7200 (2.0Ghz)@2882mhz - no description 4. GoriLLakoS - 18sec 550ms - Core T2600 (2.16Ghz)@3356mhz - Core Duo T2600 ES @ 3.356 MHz - SS - Memory 258.2 but 3:4 533mod 5. George_o/c - 21sec 110ms - Core 2 P8400 (2.26Ghz)@2260mhz - no description SuperPi Core 2 Quad subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Jor3llBR/Elano (XtremeSystems) - 9.22 - no description 2. thebluemeanie1 (XtremeSystems) - 9.44 - no description 3. andressergio - 9.45 - no description ... 1. Stelaras - 9sec 840ms - Core 2 Q6700 (2.66Ghz)@5154.90mhz - Intel Q6700@5154.9MHz 2. kintaro - 10sec 20ms - Core 2 Q9550 (2.83Ghz)@4650mhz - no description 3. junior-21- - 10sec 230ms - Core 2 Q6700 (2.66Ghz)@4931.20mhz - no description 4. mortisboy - 10sec 340ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4868mhz - no description 5. gprhellas - 10sec 640ms - Core 2 Q6700 (2.66Ghz)@4920mhz - Core 2 Duo E6700 2.66 @ 4920 MHz - under cascade - DDR Max-zer SuperPi Core i7 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. FoX [VIRTMAX.ES] (Team OCX) - 7.20 - no description 2. rdrash (PURE) - 7.20 - Still working... 3. uncle fester ( - 7.28 - no description ... 1. tsan - 7sec 300ms - Core i7 950@5506mhz - no description 2. TONY GAL - 7sec 310ms - Core i7 950@5590mhz - very bad rams next time with ocz blade!, 3. dread77 - 7sec 550ms - Core i7 950@5344.80mhz - no description 4. Aristidis - 7sec 770ms - Core i7 920@5132mhz - no description 5. junior-21- - 8sec 450ms - Core i7 940@4857.60mhz - no description SuperPi Core i7 Extreme subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. stummerwinter (AwardFabrik) - 6.67 - THANX TO ASUS, THE AF-CREW AND THE AF-HWBOT-TEAM FOR PUSHING ME! 2. Brandybuck (Hardware-Arena Turkiye) - 7.19 - no description 3. SoF (AwardFabrik) - 7.22 - no description ... 1. mortisboy - 7sec 590ms - Core i7 Extreme 975@5383mhz - testing 975 tweaks 2. dread77 - 8sec 80ms - Core i7 Extreme 965@5052mhz - ... Powered By OKTABIT!!! Special thanks to Asus and CSX 3. pastelidis - 8sec 189ms - Core i7 Extreme 975@5005mhz - Many thanks to GoriLLakoS for the new CPU...!!! 4. LevelOne - 8sec 360ms - Core i7 Extreme 965@4920mhz - no description 5. gregorisvas - 8sec 380ms - Core i7 Extreme 965@4896mhz - no description SuperPi Opteron 90nm subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. knopflerbruce (PURE) - 21.33 - no description 2. s7e9h3n - 21.98 - no description 3. gianni-gt (O.C. Team Switzerland) - 22.50 - Opteron 156 @ 3701Mhz 1.728V, BH5 @ 264Mhz 2-2-2-5 3.53V, DICE ... 1. phil - 23sec 950ms - Opteron 146 90nm@3512mhz - opteron 146 - @ 3512MHz - DFI NF4 SLI D - phase change cooling 2. FLO - 24sec 360ms - Opteron 146 90nm@3430mhz - Opteron 146 @ 3430Mhz - DFI NF4 SLI DR 3. ReaperX - 24sec 810ms - Opteron 146 90nm@3330mhz - 4. Stelaras - 24sec 950ms - Opteron 175 90nm@3375mhz - Opteron 175 @ 3375Mhz - DFI NF4 EXPERT - Custom Single Stage 5. ThorLite - 25sec 470ms - Opteron 144 90nm@3239mhz - Opteron 144 @ 3239 MHz - DFI Ultra D - G.Skill LC- Prometeia Mach I SuperPi Pentium 2 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. RemiKo (United Team of Poland) - 182.44 - no description 2. OCool (AwardFabrik) - 183.12 - no description 3. crooper (PC Games Hardware) - 184.83 - no description ... 1. zafiropo - 5min 21sec 330ms - Pentium 2 266Mhz@412mhz - no description 2. Duncan1 - 5min 26sec 510ms - Pentium 2 350Mhz@390mhz - no description 3. mech5107 - 9min 9sec 700ms - Pentium 2 266Mhz@300mhz - no description SuperPi Pentium 2 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 170.95 - SS 2.5v 2. Febril (Union Francophone Hwbot) - 181.40 - 3. OCool (AwardFabrik) - 183.68 - 2,55V - ... 1. zafiropo - 3min 33sec 610ms - Pentium 2 Celeron 400Mhz s370@605mhz - no description 2. stealth - 3min 49sec 260ms - Pentium 2 Celeron 300A Mhz slot1@472.50mhz - no description 3. varachio - 3min 53sec 900ms - Pentium 2 Celeron 400Mhz s370@528mhz - no description 4. blindy - 4min 7sec 320ms - Pentium 2 Celeron 300A Mhz slot1@494mhz - no description 5. fragou14 - 4min 29sec 890ms - Pentium 2 Celeron 500Mhz s370@562mhz - no description SuperPi Pentium 3 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 65.51 - no description 2. lkumpula (Team Finland) - 82.98 - no description 3. sparkY1000 (Bench Tec UK) - 83.08 - no description ... 1. zafiropo - 1min 30sec 560ms - Pentium 3 1.266Ghz@1464mhz - no description 2. varachio - 1min 47sec 10ms - Pentium 3 1.0Ghz Coppermine@1305mhz - no description 3. RaNd - 1min 52sec 820ms - Pentium 3 1.133Ghz - no description 4. mortisboy - 1min 55sec 400ms - Pentium 3 667Mhz (s370)@950mhz - no description 5. blindy - 1min 55sec 770ms - Pentium 3 667Mhz (s370)@1030.20mhz - no description SuperPi Pentium 3 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 73.06 - Celeron 1400QS @ 214x11.5=2470Mhz 2V -90C LN2, Asus TUSL2-C 214FSB, Tonicom MicroBGA PC-166 @ 214 3-3-3 7/9 -30 LN2 2. Lex_ ( - 76.34 - This is not sharing. More photo processors are here: 3. Veld ( - 78.66 - no description ... 1. zafiropo - 1min 35sec 560ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.0A Ghz Tualatin@1479mhz - no description 2. TASOS - 1min 39sec 130ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.1A Ghz Tualatin@1528mhz - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.1A Ghz Tualatin@1528 - Iwill BD133u 3. mortisboy - 1min 58sec 130ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.0Ghz Coppermine@1300mhz - no description 4. varachio - 2min 2sec 80ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.0Ghz Coppermine@1350mhz - no description 5. BeetleJuice - 2min 22sec 610ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.1Ghz Coppermine@1232mhz - no description SuperPi Pentium 4 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. DeDaL ( - 18.42 - no description 2. Patch ( - 18.80 - no description 3. Blind (Madshrimps Belgium OC Team) - 18.81 - Thank you Alternate :-) ... 1. varachio - 27sec 590ms - Celeron LGA775 360@5343mhz - Testing... with H2O 2. BenchZowner - 33sec 860ms - Celeron LGA775 346@5421mhz - no description 3. stealth - 36sec 550ms - Celeron s478 320@3866.10mhz - no description 4. zafiropo - 37sec 420ms - Celeron LGA775 330@4247mhz - Celeron s478 330 2.66@4247 Mhz - SS 5. Stelaras - 39sec 130ms - Celeron s478 2.4Ghz@4095mhz - Celeron s478 2.4Ghz @4095Mhz SuperPi Pentium 4 Dual Core subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. DeDaL ( - 20.23 - no description 2. Glavir (Russian Overs Team) - 20.84 - no description 3. sys_twe@ker (Hardware-Arena Turkiye) - 21.08 - no description ... 1. elefsinaras - 25sec 300ms - Pentium 4 'D' 915@5120mhz - no description 2. fatherc0stas - 26sec 580ms - Pentium 4 'D' 945 - Pentium 4 "D" 945 @ 5100MΗz - Gigabyte 965P DS4 - Twinmos 512mb Value 667Mhz - Watercooled 3. giorgos th. - 27sec 550ms - Pentium 4 'D' 820@4655mhz - no description 4. dom - 27sec 630ms - Pentium 4 'D' 930@4630mhz - Pentium D 930 @4630Mhz - Asus P5WD2-e Premium - w/c 5. inlovem - 27sec 780ms - Pentium 4 'D' 945@4920mhz - no description SuperPi Pentium 4 s423 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Notyfus (JMax-Hardware) - 72.70 - Willy 1860mhz - 1X512 270mhz 2-2-2-5, Linux Debian 2. smile-777 (Russian Overs Team) - 73.30 - no description 3. under/ice (Bench Tec UK) - 79.64 - ... 1. zafiropo - 1min 35sec 820ms - Pentium 4 2.0Ghz Willamette@2160mhz - no description 2. ageorge2500 - 1min 37sec 230ms - Pentium 4 2.0Ghz Willamette@1999.10mhz - no description 3. blindy - 1min 39sec 690ms - Pentium 4 1.4Ghz Willamette s423@1904.40mhz - no description 4. tifozif1 - 4min 18sec 280ms - Pentium 4 1.4Ghz Willamette s423@1381mhz - for fun SuperPi Pentium 4 s478 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. TASOS (H.O.T.) - 25.99 - Prometeia MACH-I R404 cooling, Winbond BH-5 @ Cas 2-2-2-5, P4 3.2E - SL7PN - E0 stepping 2. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 27.99 - P4 3.4GHz EE @ 4580MHz 269.4MHz FSB 1:1 Cas 2-5-2-2 3. Thickbrit (Bench Tec UK) - 27.99 - Pentium 4 'E' 3.2ghz @ 4501,p4c800e,2x512ocz4200el,GT ... 1. TASOS - 25sec 990ms - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott@4830mhz - Prometeia MACH-I R404 cooling, Winbond BH-5 @ Cas 2-2-2-5, P4 3.2E - SL7PN - E0 stepping 2. hipro5 - 27sec 990ms - Pentium 4 3.4Ghz EE@4580mhz - P4 3.4GHz EE @ 4580MHz 269.4MHz FSB 1:1 Cas 2-5-2-2 3. doctor - 28sec 0ms - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott@4581mhz - no description 4. George_o/c - 30sec 920ms - Pentium 4 3.0Ghz Northwood@4476mhz - P4 3GHz "killer Northy" @ 4.47GHz on SS, Mushkin Level II PC3200 @ 238MHz @ 2-2-2-5 1T (TOO EASY ), Asus P4P800-E Deluxe (soon modded - John hurry up man ) 5. Stelaras - 32sec 470ms - Pentium 4 2.6Ghz C Northwood (HT)@4302mhz - Pentium 4 2.6C Northwood @4302Mhz SuperPi Pentium 4 s775 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. ThuG OC Team Italy ( Italy OC Team) - 17.02 - no description 2. Tom Holck (XtremeSystems) - 17.99 - P4.670 3.80Ghz @ 7.21Ghz 3. DeDaL ( - 18.14 - ... 1. Stelaras - 19sec 610ms - Pentium 4 641@6606mhz - Pentium 4 641 @ 6606Mhz - Cascade 2. junior-21- - 21sec 990ms - Pentium 4 630@5865.30mhz - no description 3. gprhellas - 22sec 940ms - Pentium 4 640@5760.30mhz - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott @ 5760 - LN2 - commando - rams power by maximizer 4. NIKOSE - 25sec 580ms - Pentium 4 630@4996mhz - no description 5. LightBird - 25sec 800ms - Pentium 4 650@5015mhz - no description SuperPi Pentium M subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 18.30 - DOTHAN 780ES @ 4180MHz - LN2 , P4C800E-D+CT479 Adapter 2x256MB BH-6 2. sang ( - 19.38 - Pentium M 780 on LN2 3. Yz250 (H.O.T.) - 19.42 - Pentium M Duo Core T2600 (2.16Ghz)@3148Mhz-Aopen i975Xa-3-2-2-1 tim. ... 1. hipro5 - 18sec 300ms - Pentium M 780@4180mhz - DOTHAN 780ES @ 4180MHz - LN2 , P4C800E-D+CT479 Adapter 2x256MB BH-6 2. ThorLite - 22sec 770ms - Pentium M 740@3360mhz - Pentium M 740 @ 3360 MHz - Asus P4GD1 2x256ΜΒ ΒΗ6 3.221V - Prometeia Mach I@507 3. TASOS - 23sec 90ms - Pentium M 740@3304mhz - Intel Pentium M 740@3304 - ASUS P4GD1 4. doctor - 23sec 970ms - Pentium M 780@3080mhz - Pentium M 780ES @ 3080mhz - P4C800 E Deluxe watercooled 5. GoriLLakoS - 24sec 310ms - Pentium M 730@3049.80mhz - Dothan 1.6@3049.8Ghz Dry Ice SuperPi Pentium M Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. totophe (JMax-Hardware) - 18.86 - no description 2. Gamer (Madshrimps Belgium OC Team) - 19.58 - 3. lunatic@98 (Hardwareoverclock) - 21.22 - no description ... 1. TASOS - 22sec 580ms - Pentium M 440 Celeron@3007mhz - no description 2. ThorLite - 31sec 300ms - Pentium M 370 Celeron@3006mhz - Pentium M 370 Celeron @ 3006MHz - Asus P4GD1 - Air 3. phil - 31sec 810ms - Pentium M 430 Celeron@2215mhz - no description 4. varachio - 33sec 860ms - Pentium M 540 Celeron@1862mhz - no description 5. voudas - 40sec 950ms - Pentium M 220 Celeron Conroe@1818mhz - Intel Celeron 220 @ 1818Mhz - Intel D201GLY2 - Ln2 SuperPi Phenom II X3 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. chew* (XtremeSystems) - 11.66 - no description 2. eXzato (OverclockZone-Thailand) - 11.66 - Special Thanks : ZoLKoRn 3. aditya (PURE) - 11.72 - no description ... 1. geobot24 - 17sec 380ms - Phenom II X3 720 BE@3952.20mhz - no description 2. ganastasiou - 17sec 490ms - Phenom II X3 720 BE@3961mhz - no description 3. qwerty - 20sec 500ms - Phenom II X3 710@3406mhz - no description SuperPi Phenom II X4 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. DeDaL ( - 10.27 - no description 2. jale00 (PCAxe) - 10.42 - This is PCAXE 3. icebob (OC Forums) - 10.70 - no description ... 1. dread77 - 10sec 830ms - Phenom II TWKR@6405mhz - ... Powered by Oktabit!!! 2. tsan - 11sec 770ms - Phenom II X4 940@5967mhz - no description 3. ageorge2500 - 16sec 540ms - Phenom II X4 955 BE@4212.80mhz - no description 4. chris k - 16sec 900ms - Phenom II X4 955 BE@4099mhz - no description 5. chris_oktabit - 18sec 30ms - Phenom II X4 810@3912mhz - no description SuperPi Phenom X4 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. TiTON (Team IRONMODS) - 19.92 - IRONMODS - AMD 9950 Black Edition Initial testing 2. SoF (AwardFabrik) - 19.95 - done LIVE on stage G|C 2008 with musicismylife pouring LN2 - GREAT SHOW THX ALL!!! 3. aGeoM - 20.97 - no description ... 1. ageorge2500 - 21sec 390ms - Phenom X4 9950@3621.30mhz - no description 2. viper - 21sec 480ms - Phenom X4 9950@3600mhz - Phenom x4 9950BE @3600 Mhz 3. LAKIS - 21sec 770ms - Phenom X4 9950@3553mhz - no description 4. bebbers - 21sec 790ms - Phenom X4 9950@3552mhz - no description.. 5. LevelOne - 23sec 440ms - Phenom X4 9950@3479mhz - no description SuperPi Sempron 64 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. RRa!nBoW (HardOCzech Team) - 17.39 - no description 2. Cele303 (RIOC) - 18.52 - no description 3. Gunhead (Xpert-OC-Team) - 18.94 - no description ... 1. schumifer - 35sec 770ms - Sempron 2600+ (A64) - sempron2600+(754) @ ~2400 singlechannel 2. DidicolA - 50sec 920ms - Sempron 3100+ (A64) Palermo@1800mhz - amd sempron 3100+@1.8Ghz 3. ganastasiou - 53sec 950ms - Mobile Sempron 3000+ Albany@1800mhz - no description 4. Shadow Hunter - 58sec 890ms - Mobile Sempron 2800+@1601mhz - Acer Aspire 1362 laptop SuperPi Turion subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. ZorchThatCPU (Overclockt) - 31.08 - no description 2. Spookie (United Team of Poland) - 32.00 - AC 3. klopcha (Topmods.NET) - 32.02 - CPU cooled TT Sonic Tower ; Voltage 1.7 V; Mobo limit ... 1. g10 - 46sec 520ms - Turion 64 ML-30@1830mhz - no description 2. LAKIS - 46sec 800ms - Turion 64 TL-58@1908mhz - no description 3. Shadow Hunter - 48sec 0ms - Turion 64 TL-58@1895.50mhz - no description 4. ThorLite - 48sec 780ms - Turion 64 TL-50@1760mhz - Turion 64 TL-50 @ 1760MHz - HP Pavilion dv6000 laptop 5. chris_oktabit - 50sec 840ms - Turion 64 MT-32@1791mhz - no description SuperPi Xeon subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. BenchBros (HardwareLuxx Germany) - 7.11 - little 1M test 2. FoX [Hard-Concept.Net] (Team OCX) - 7.19 - FoX @ Alcarras Lan Party 2009! 3. 3oh6 (PURE) - 7.20 - Xeon W3540 w/k|ngp|n F1EE & LN2 @ 5598MHz // EVGA X58 SLI Classified // OCZ Blade PC3-17000 @ 973MHz 6-7-6-18 // Corsair HX1000W ... 1. Shadow Hunter - 29sec 950ms - Xeon 3040@1862mhz - no description 2. RaNd - 46sec 230ms - Xeon 3.2Ghz (2mb l3) - no description 3. Vediovis - 57sec 880ms - Xeon 2.8Ghz (fsb533)@2790mhz - no description generated by hwbot - -
  12. SuperPi 32M Ranking ---------------------------------------------------- SuperPi is a quick and easy way to measure processor / chipset performance. download here Rules - don't use multiple nicknames - only post scores belonging to you - 32M calculation only - include a screenshot of the result Guidelines - format your score as follows: [hwbot] score - system description [/hwbot] - try not to use abbreviations. eg. 'opteron 146' is ok, '146' is too short. - format processor overclock like 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' or 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz', format videocard speed as 'R9800 @ 350/333Mhz'. - allowed score formats: 65.67(s) or 65s 67ms or 1m 05s 67ms - don't use text layout (bold, italic) or hyperlinks in your system description. bot info moderators: GoriLLakoS, pclab, RootX, darkCount, Stelaras, TASOS, deadlock7, mortisboy, hipro5, Costas members who changed team: Astri (OutOfSpecs.Gr) options: update ranking now team ranking - hall of fame rank - top 10 average - team name - weekly & monthly rankchange - links 1. 391.43 PURE - ~ ~ - website 2. 402.58 H.O.T. - +1 +1 - website - forum 3. 405.72 Team OCX - -1-1 - website - forum 4. 419.16 AwardFabrik - ~ ~ - website - forum 5. 420.35 - ~ ~ - website - forum ... member ranking - hall of fame - more 1. AndreYang (PURE) - 365.77 - no description 2. stummerwinter (AwardFabrik) - 369.95 - THANX TO ASUS, THE AF-CREW AND THE AF-HWBOT-TEAM FOR PUSHING ME! 3. pro ( - 376.70 - TEAM.AU / EVGA Classified / Corsair 2000C7GT / Corsair HX1000 ... 1. hipro5 - 6min 21sec 110ms - Core i7 Extreme 975@5752mhz - I lost this one because of the Cas8... ( 2. crustytheclown - 6min 25sec 800ms - Core i7 Extreme 975@5583mhz - I'm back!!! 3. TONY GAL - 6min 30sec 470ms - Core i7 950@5530mhz - from athens digital week (H.O.T) 4. tsan - 6min 33sec 700ms - Core i7 950@5552mhz - no description 5. Aristidis - 6min 37sec 420ms - Core i7 950@5480mhz - no description 6. crio - 6min 51sec 80ms - Core i7 950@5323mhz - Well,if my mobo works scores are done....LOL 7. dread77 - 6min 51sec 980ms - Core i7 950@5299.70mhz - no description 8. mortisboy - 6min 53sec 700ms - Core i7 Extreme 975@5250mhz - no description 9. phil - 6min 55sec 290ms - Core i7 950@5300mhz - no description 10. Stelaras - 7min 5sec 280ms - Core i7 Extreme 965@5046mhz - Core i7 965 @ 5046Mhz 11. sofos1990 - 7min 6sec 20ms - Core i7 Extreme 965@5077.70mhz - no description 12. gprhellas - 7min 15sec 360ms - Core i7 Extreme 975@5012.70mhz - FOR MSI MOA 2009 GREEK FINALS 13. mickeymouse - 7min 16sec 720ms - Core i7 Extreme 965@5004mhz - test 14. junior-21- - 7min 19sec 610ms - Core i7 Extreme 965@4939.90mhz - no description 15. giorgos th. - 7min 24sec 140ms - Core i7 Extreme 965@4968mhz - first 3-ple GTR run.... 16. subzero - 7min 31sec 720ms - Core i7 920@5006mhz - no description 17. pastelidis - 7min 32sec 550ms - Core i7 Extreme 965@4757mhz - no description 18. gregorisvas - 7min 37sec 60ms - Core i7 Extreme 965@4873mhz - Special thanks 19. TASOS - 7min 40sec 590ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6228mhz - no description 20. kintaro - 7min 42sec 480ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6200mhz - no description 21. zafiropo - 7min 44sec 750ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6220mhz - Core 2 Duo E8600 @ 6220mhz - LN2 / Gorillo-Pot . 22. LevelOne - 7min 53sec 860ms - Core i7 Extreme 965@4780mhz - no description 23. petr00kos - 8min 15sec 940ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@5949mhz - * petr00kos benching while in army * 24. BenchZowner - 8min 29sec 990ms - Core i7 920@4306mhz - No tweaks at all apart from LSC 25. varachio - 8min 32sec 200ms - Core i7 920@4454mhz - Many Thanks to TASOS for the support... 26. AN7 OverClocker - 8min 33sec 640ms - Core i7 940@4284mhz - no description 27. elefsinaras - 8min 55sec 110ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5480mhz - no description 28. Dinos111 - 9min 19sec 130ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5364mhz - Intel Core 2 Quad QX9650 @ 5364 Maximus Formula - DI Eleven Pot 29. chris_oktabit - 9min 34sec 310ms - Core i7 920@4000mhz - no description 30. $@39@ - 9min 34sec 650ms - Core i7 920@4mhz - no description 31. Thodoris21 - 9min 38sec 30ms - processor unknown - no description 32. BeetleJuice - 9min 40sec 380ms - Core 2 E8500 (3.17Ghz)@4940mhz - no description 33. Yz250 - 9min 40sec 380ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5310mhz - Core 2 Duo-E6700@5310Mhz-Abit QUAD_GT-LN2-GoriLLakoS Pot ver.1.02 34. F117 - 9min 42sec 310ms - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@5090mhz - no description 35. esdee - 9min 54sec 890ms - Core 2 X6800 (2.93Ghz)@5105mhz - Core 2 Duo - X6800 @ 5105Mhz - Asus Commando Vcore Vdroop mod - TeamXtreem 1200HC5 Powered by hipro5 maximizer - 2 Stage Cascade Cooling 36. Thorlite - 9min 59sec 660ms - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@5004mhz - no description 37. HighT3ch - 10min 3sec 190ms - Core 2 E8500 (3.17Ghz)@4892mhz - no description 38. NIKOSE - 10min 11sec 950ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@5060mhz - no description 39. stealth - 10min 16sec 330ms - Core 2 E8500 (3.17Ghz)@4509.90mhz - no description 40. CCC - 10min 18sec 550ms - Core 2 E8500 (3.17Ghz)@4775mhz - no description 41. imposer - 10min 33sec 890ms - Core 2 E8500 (3.17Ghz)@4670mhz - no description 42. ReaperX - 10min 36sec 800ms - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4572mhz - no description 43. fafoylis - 10min 45sec 520ms - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4639mhz - no description 44. GoriLLakoS - 10min 53sec 500ms - Core 2 QX6700 (2.66Ghz)@4868.20mhz - Core 2 Duo - QX6700 @ 4868.2Mhz - P5K Deluxe - Cellshock CL4 - Cascad"esdee" 45. zavlakas - 10min 57sec 910ms - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4500mhz - no description 46. Spyrus - 11min 1sec 910ms - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4500mhz - 9x500@600-5-5-5-4-2T@Asus Maximus Formula@Corsair Value 800 on HR-07@TRUE120+Papst-Air 47. LightBird - 11min 5sec 470ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4620mhz - On esdee Phaze 48. George_13 - 11min 7sec 830ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4600mhz - Core 2 Duo E6700 @ 4600Mhz - P5K Deluxe - CellShock @ 575 4-4-4-4 - Phase by Esdee 49. Ripper18 - 11min 7sec 860ms - Core 2 E8200 (2.67Ghz)@4384mhz - no description 50. Nick_p - 11min 9sec 770ms - Core 2 X6800 (2.93Ghz)@4699mhz - Intel Core 2 Duo - X6800 @ 4699Mhz - Abit Awd9-max - Team Xtreme 800mhz 3-3-3-8 - SS Phaze change (Promie) SuperPi 32m Athlon 64 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. DAZEB (, Thailand) - 1129.77 - no description 2. funkflix (AwardFabrik) - 1166.53 - no description 3. isulk (HardwareLuxx Germany) - 1175.27 - no description ... 1. ageorge2500 - 22min 2sec 460ms - Athlon 64 LE-1600@3465.20mhz - no description 2. Spyrus - 23min 26sec 520ms - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3100mhz - Athlon 64 3700+ SanDiego @ 3100MHz - DFI nF4 Ultra D - Air Cooling:XP-120+Papst 3. Hellrider - 23min 55sec 630ms - Athlon 64 3500+ Venice@3113mhz - A64 3500+@ 3113MHz - DFI NF4 ultrad - Phase Change Cooling 4. DuKe - 24min 44sec 800ms - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3000mhz - Athlon 64 3700+ SanDiego @ 3000MHz(water) - DFI nF4 SliD - patriot tccd 400@600MHz(2.5-4-3-7) 5. hellbound - 25min 46sec 660ms - Athlon 64 4000+ San Diego@3000mhz - Athlon 4000+ San Diego @ 3000MHz - ASUS A8R-MVP - ZALMAN CNPS 9500 SuperPi 32m Athlon 64 X2 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. MaSell (Team OCX) - 1077.24 - no description 2. Pepek - ClockMeUp! (United Team of Poland) - 1117.28 - ADX6400IAA6CZ S/N:1751272H70275 CCB8F 0730DPMW Vcpu: 1,75 Vram: 2,5 temp. -18C, 3. AndreyKV (Russian Overs Team) - 1136.81 - no description ... 1. papatsonis - 22min 7sec 410ms - Athlon 64 5200+ X2 Windsor@3308mhz - no description 2. soulclaimer - 23min 18sec 470ms - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3269mhz - no description 3. manolis - 23min 39sec 550ms - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3225mhz - A64 6000+ x2 @ 3225mhz 4. dimpah - 23min 44sec 410ms - Athlon 64 5600+ X2@3192mhz - no description 5. felix - 24min 24sec 610ms - Athlon 64 4850e+ X2 Brisbane@3183.70mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Athlon XP subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. tiborrr (OC-Lab) - 1791.55 - tiborrr - 29m 51.547s - AXP 2200+@3094MHz, 2.05V - locked multi CPU | 2x256MB BH-5 DDR-400@458 2-2-2-7 | Abit NF7-S rev2.0 | 2-stage cascade cooled CPU | Special thanks goes to Moonman for lending OCZ DDR booster! 2. Turrican (Team OCX) - 1886.69 - Abit NF7-S Rev. 2.0, 2x 256MB Mushkin PC3500 Level II "BH-5", 2-Stage Cascade . 3. Moonman (OC-Lab) - 1946.67 - no description ... 1. cabrinha - 38min 25sec 910ms - Athlon XP 3000+@2400mhz - Amd Sempron 3000+@2400 - Msi K7N2 Delta - 2*512mb DDR400 2. Webhunter - 39min 19sec 770ms - Athlon XP 2700+@2536mhz - no description 3. killer55555 - 41min 46sec 610ms - Athlon XP 2800+@2166mhz - no description 4. stealth - 54min 53sec 270ms - Athlon XP 2000+ Palomino@1775mhz - no description 5. hayabusa - 1h 0min 51sec 720ms - Athlon XP 1800+ Palomino@1759mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Athlon XP-M subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. tiborrr (OC-Lab) - 1777.88 - tiborrr - 29m 37.875s - AXP-M 2500+@3057MHz, 2.0V | 2x256MB BH-5 DDR-400@470 2-2-2-7 | Abit NF7-S rev2.0 | 2-stage cascade cooled CPU | Special thanks goes to Moonman for lending OCZ DDR booster! 2. Turrican (Team OCX) - 1791.25 - 2x256MB Old BH-5 @ 240Mhz 2.0-2-2-5 1T, Abit NF7-S, Vapochill LS 3. TASOS (H.O.T.) - 1854.99 - no description ... 1. TASOS - 30min 54sec 990ms - Athlon XP-M 2500+@2900mhz - no description 2. Shadow Hunter - 31min 43sec 990ms - Athlon XP-M 2600+@2723mhz - DFI LanParty UT nF2 Ultra with Athlon XP-M 2600@1.8vcore, 2x512 Twinmoss PC3200 UTT chips@3.32vMem, Win2k3 Server, Under Koolance, 2+ years old benchmark 3. hayabusa - 49min 26sec 760ms - Athlon XP-M 2000+ Barton@2175mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Core 2 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. jabski (Bench Tec UK) - 648.31 - no description 2. Oldscarface (D-Most) - 682.84 - Asus Blitz Extreme DDR3, 2GB OCZ FLEX 1600 6-6-6, Celeron 430 CPU @ 4253 Mhz, Cooled with Phase Change, Pc Power & Cooling 1000W. 3. redratamd ( - 704.95 - no description ... 1. TASOS - 13min 45sec 490ms - Celeron LGA775 E1400@4340mhz - un-tweaked 2. stealth - 13min 57sec 480ms - Celeron LGA775 430@3679.90mhz - no description 3. pastelidis - 18min 22sec 890ms - Celeron LGA775 E1200@3416mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Core 2 Duo subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. stummerwinter (AwardFabrik) - 439.53 - E86 RULEZ! 2. jowi69 (AwardFabrik) - 442.80 - Live on 2. AOCM; 3. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 444.33 - The Vesuvius exploded ... 1. hipro5 - 7min 24sec 330ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6450mhz - The Vesuvius exploded 2. Stelaras - 7min 37sec 630ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6280mhz - Core 2 Duo E8600 @ 6280mhz - LN2 / Gorillo-Pot . <img src="" border="0" alt="" title="Smile" class="inlineimg" /> 3. mickeymouse - 7min 37sec 730ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6284mhz - no description 4. gprhellas - 7min 39sec 950ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6252.60mhz - ---> testing E8600 820A598 at -121 5. TASOS - 7min 40sec 590ms - Core 2 E8600 (3.33Ghz)@6228mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Core 2 Extreme subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. max-giampa-giorgioprimo (MemoryExtreme Italy Team) - 481.48 - P5E3 WS, Cellshock DDR3 1800 , QX9650, Psu Ultra X3 1600W, cpu pot MM rev2, benching table DimasTech, 2. mrlobber (Team OCX) - 483.53 - [Team Latvia] (mrlobber & TaPaKaH bench night #2) QX9650 / Asus P5K3 Dlx / 2x1Gb Hyperx 14400 / CPU LN2... Had problems with high multis, CPU absolutely maximized on this board, so not a single sec to add 3. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 489.86 - Just testing straps and Mem latency..... ) ... 1. hipro5 - 8min 9sec 860ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5804mhz - Just testing straps and Mem latency..... ) 2. Aristidis - 8min 17sec 130ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5846mhz - no description 3. gprhellas - 8min 28sec 140ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5603mhz - QX9650 @ 5603MHz - ASUS P5E64 WS Pro (DDR3) - CPU under LN2 - powered by DDR Maximizer. 4. tsan - 8min 32sec 419ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5803mhz - no description 5. mickeymouse - 8min 33sec 440ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5553mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Core 2 Mobile subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. katiephil (Bench Tec UK) - 822.70 - no description 2. Silver Ghost (Team MXS - 865.25 - no description 3. leeghoofd (Madshrimps Belgium OC Team) - 901.19 - no description ... 1. Yz250 - 15min 34sec 860ms - Core T2600 (2.16Ghz)@3600mhz - Core Duo T 2600 2.16@3600MHz-Aopen 975-ram 3-2-2-1 3:4-phase 2. TASOS - 17min 15sec 970ms - Core 2 T7200 (2.0Ghz)@2882mhz - no description 3. GoriLLakoS - 18min 26sec 320ms - Core T2600 (2.16Ghz)@3136mhz - T2600ES Core Duo - 2.16 @ 3136Mhz - Hyper6 AIR 4. varachio - 18min 50sec 800ms - Core 2 T9300 (2.5Ghz)@2500mhz - no description 5. George_o/c - 19min 51sec 0ms - Core 2 P8400 (2.26Ghz)@2260mhz - On Vista ! Still no CW ... SuperPi 32m Core 2 Quad subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Jor3llBR/Elano (XtremeSystems) - 594.86 - no description 2. MrCape - 595.45 - no description 3. Stelaras (H.O.T.) - 605.88 - Intel Q6700@5000Mhz ... 1. Stelaras - 10min 5sec 880ms - Core 2 Q6700 (2.66Ghz)@5000mhz - Intel Q6700@5000Mhz 2. junior-21- - 10min 11sec 500ms - Core 2 Q6700 (2.66Ghz)@4850.40mhz - Damn Vcore 3. mortisboy - 10min 21sec 140ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4818mhz - no description 4. kintaro - 10min 31sec 740ms - Core 2 Q9550 (2.83Ghz)@4521mhz - no description 5. dread77 - 12min 18sec 860ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4024mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Core i7 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. pro ( - 376.70 - TEAM.AU / EVGA Classified / Corsair 2000C7GT / Corsair HX1000 2. dinos22 ( - 380.19 - big thanks to evga & corsair 3. TONY GAL (H.O.T.) - 390.47 - from athens digital week (H.O.T) ... 1. TONY GAL - 6min 30sec 470ms - Core i7 950@5530mhz - from athens digital week (H.O.T) 2. tsan - 6min 33sec 700ms - Core i7 950@5552mhz - no description 3. Aristidis - 6min 37sec 420ms - Core i7 950@5480mhz - no description 4. crio - 6min 51sec 80ms - Core i7 950@5323mhz - Well,if my mobo works scores are done....LOL 5. dread77 - 6min 51sec 980ms - Core i7 950@5299.70mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Core i7 Extreme subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. AndreYang (PURE) - 365.77 - no description 2. stummerwinter (AwardFabrik) - 369.95 - THANX TO ASUS, THE AF-CREW AND THE AF-HWBOT-TEAM FOR PUSHING ME! 3. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 381.11 - I lost this one because of the Cas8... ( ... 1. hipro5 - 6min 21sec 110ms - Core i7 Extreme 975@5752mhz - I lost this one because of the Cas8... ( 2. crustytheclown - 6min 25sec 800ms - Core i7 Extreme 975@5583mhz - I'm back!!! 3. mortisboy - 6min 53sec 700ms - Core i7 Extreme 975@5250mhz - no description 4. Aristidis - 6min 54sec 30ms - Core i7 Extreme 975@5264mhz - no description 5. crio - 6min 59sec 380ms - Core i7 Extreme 975@5250mhz - First attempts with 32M SuperPi 32m Opteron 90nm subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. s7e9h3n - 1185.23 - Opteron 154 @ 3750.8mhz, 1.648Vcore 2. knopflerbruce (PURE) - 1220.22 - no description 3. gianni-gt (O.C. Team Switzerland) - 1223.48 - Opteron 156 @ 3610Mhz 1.648V, BH5 @ 258Mhz 2-2-2-5 3.60V, SingleStage ... 1. phil - 20min 50sec 610ms - Opteron 146 90nm@3519mhz - opteron 146 @ 3519MHz - DFI NF4 SLI D - Phase Change Cooling 2. Stelaras - 23min 22sec 950ms - Opteron 175 90nm@3200mhz - Opteron 175 @ 3200MHz - DFI NF4 Expert - SS Cooling 3. ThorLite - 23min 32sec 110ms - Opteron 144 90nm@3150mhz - Opteron 144 @ 3150MHz - DFI Ultra D GSkill LC TCCD - Prommie Mach I 4. ΝTG - 23min 36sec 220ms - Opteron 146 90nm@3045mhz - Opteron 146 @ 3045 - DFI NF4 ultra D -χλιαρο νερο 5. STELIOSVIPER - 24min 0sec 250ms - Opteron 165 90nm@3150mhz - Opteron 165.9 @ 3150Mhz - BH-5 2-2-2-5 - w\c SuperPi 32m Pentium 2 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Kolian ( Team) - 8281.43 - no description 2. iln@r (Russian Overs Team) - 9022.62 - no description 3. Febril (Union Francophone Hwbot) - 9305.87 - ... 1. varachio - 3h 15min 57sec 920ms - Pentium 2 Celeron 400Mhz s370@528mhz - no description 2. blindy - 3h 36min 12sec 270ms - Pentium 2 Celeron 300A Mhz slot1@472.50mhz - no description 3. zafiropo - 3h 46min 48sec 250ms - Pentium 2 Celeron 400Mhz s370@535mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Pentium 3 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 3944.52 - no description 2. sparkY1000 (Bench Tec UK) - 4113.21 - no description 3. PCGH_Carsten (PC Games Hardware) - 4437.36 - no description ... 1. varachio - 1h 23min 46sec 150ms - Pentium 3 1.0Ghz Coppermine@1200mhz - no description 2. blindy - 1h 36min 27sec 450ms - Pentium 3 667Mhz (s370)@982.40mhz - no description 3. zafiropo - 1h 37min 26sec 880ms - Pentium 3 1.133Ghz@1310mhz - no description 4. RaNd - 1h 43min 47sec 760ms - Pentium 3 1.0Ghz Coppermine - no description 5. tifozif1 - 1h 46min 37sec 590ms - Pentium 3 1.0Ghz Coppermine@1050mhz - for fun SuperPi 32m Pentium 3 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 3884.24 - no description 2. sparkY1000 (Bench Tec UK) - 4067.18 - no description 3. Jn_Freeman - 4372.38 - no description ... 1. varachio - 1h 37min 39sec 450ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.0Ghz Coppermine@1345mhz - no description 2. TASOS - 2h 19min 49sec 780ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.1A Ghz Tualatin@1528mhz - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.1A Ghz Tualatin@1528 - Iwill BD133u 3. NIKOSE - 3h 32min 20sec 550ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 850Mhz@850mhz - no description 4. zafiropo - 3h 53min 41sec 530ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 633Mhz@952mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Pentium 4 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Patch ( - 1007.00 - no description 2. Blind (Madshrimps Belgium OC Team) - 1054.56 - Thanks to Alternate 3. 99tomcat (United Team of Poland) - 1058.23 - Too old for moderation!!!!!!! ... 1. varachio - 23min 7sec 20ms - Celeron LGA775 360@5343mhz - Testing... with H2O 2. stealth - 30min 28sec 860ms - Celeron s478 320@3683.30mhz - no description 3. Stelaras - 36min 35sec 190ms - Celeron s478 2.4Ghz@4052mhz - Celeron s478 2.4Ghz @4052Mhz 4. g10 - 37min 51sec 660ms - Celeron LGA775 331@3607mhz - no description 5. Shadow Hunter - 49min 30sec 520ms - Celeron s478 330@3000mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Pentium 4 Dual Core subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Crowz (Z.O.T.) - 1139.81 - no description 2. svende (United Team of Poland) - 1142.14 - KMK pot 3. AfsFaes ( OC Team) - 1209.35 - no description ... 1. elefsinaras - 23min 41sec 390ms - Pentium 4 'D' 915@4819mhz - no description 2. giorgos th. - 23min 52sec 340ms - Pentium 4 'D' 820@4516mhz - no description 3. NIKOSE - 24min 22sec 480ms - Pentium 4 'D' 820@4490mhz - no description 4. darkman16 - 27min 26sec 830ms - Pentium 4 'D' 945@3939mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 945 + @ 3939MHz - Abit in9 32x-max- Team Group D9GMH 800 MHz 3-3-3-8 - on Air 5. tifozif1 - 29min 34sec 160ms - Pentium 4 'D' 805@3800mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 805 @ 3800Mhz - Asus P5ND2 SLI Deluxe - OCZ @ 760Mhz 3-3-3-9 - AIR cooled Noctua NH-U12F SuperPi 32m Pentium 4 s423 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. skydec (HW GURUS) - 4161.72 - no description 2. BUSTAMOVE (Bench Tec UK) - 4162.83 - no description 3. Pupo (HW GURUS) - 4671.77 - no description ... 1. blindy - 1h 21min 27sec 130ms - Pentium 4 1.4Ghz Willamette s423@1904.40mhz - no description 2. zafiropo - 1h 21min 35sec 520ms - Pentium 4 2.0Ghz Willamette@2120mhz - no description 3. ageorge2500 - 1h 21min 49sec 620ms - Pentium 4 2.0Ghz Willamette@1999.10mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Pentium 4 s478 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. TASOS (H.O.T.) - 1322.99 - Prometeia MACH-I R404 cooling, Winbond BH-5 @ Cas 2-2-2-5, P4 3.2E - SL7PN - E0 stepping 2. doctor (H.O.T.) - 1467.00 - no description 3. Lex_ (OCClub) - 1567.69 - no description ... 1. TASOS - 22min 2sec 990ms - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott@4763mhz - Prometeia MACH-I R404 cooling, Winbond BH-5 @ Cas 2-2-2-5, P4 3.2E - SL7PN - E0 stepping 2. doctor - 24min 27sec 0ms - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott@4502mhz - no description 3. Stelaras - 26min 21sec 470ms - Pentium 4 3.0Ghz Prescott@4164mhz - Pentium 4 3.0Ghz Prescott @4164Mhz 4. stealth - 30min 48sec 90ms - Pentium 4 2.8Ghz A Prescott@3658.30mhz - no description 5. Duncan1 - 31min 4sec 810ms - Pentium 4 3.0Ghz Prescott@3826.20mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Pentium 4 s775 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. Ming@s (BenchX) - 597.97 - i5 750 @ 4620Mhz - Asus Maximus III Formula - GsKill Trident - @ 660Mhz - Dragon F1 EE - Ln2 2. tiborrr (OC-Lab) - 1048.55 - tiborrr - 17m 28.547s - P4 641@6414MHz, 1.xV | Crucial 2x512MB DDR3-1066@1604 6-6-5-16 | Foxconn X48 BlackOps | 2-stage cascade cooled CPU 3. rene19831 (AwardFabrik) - 1050.14 - no description ... 1. gprhellas - 19min 6sec 690ms - Pentium 4 640@5758.40mhz - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott @ 5758.4 - LN2 - commando - rams power by maximizer 2. hipro5 - 21min 46sec 990ms - Pentium 4 570@5228mhz - no description 3. NIKOSE - 22min 50sec 260ms - Pentium 4 630@4942mhz - no description 4. varachio - 23min 5sec 700ms - Pentium 4 641@4960mhz - no description 5. polonos - 26min 27sec 270ms - Pentium 4 630@4246mhz - Intel pentium 4 630 @ 4246 - Asus Commando - CellShock 1000 - Bfg 8800 GTX SuperPi 32m Pentium M subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. hipro5 (H.O.T.) - 1131.99 - no description 2. Xevipiu (Team OCX) - 1388.59 - Pentium M 740 @ 3052.7Mhz (235x13 1.56v LS) 3. ThorLite (H.O.T.) - 1442.58 - Dothan 740 @ 3302MHz - Asus P4GD1 2x256MB BH6 - Prometeia Mach I ... 1. hipro5 - 18min 51sec 990ms - Pentium M 780@4100mhz - no description 2. ThorLite - 24min 2sec 580ms - Pentium M 740@3302mhz - Dothan 740 @ 3302MHz - Asus P4GD1 2x256MB BH6 - Prometeia Mach I 3. doctor - 24min 11sec 590ms - Pentium M 780@3050mhz - Dothan 780ES@3050mhz- P4C800E Deluxe-watercooled 4. g10 - 27min 37sec 340ms - Pentium M 780@2850mhz - no description 5. manolis - 37min 53sec 660ms - Pentium M 760 - Pentium M 760 - Sony Vaio VgnA-497xp SuperPi 32m Pentium M Celeron subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. lunatic@98 (Hardwareoverclock) - 1105.03 - no description 2. totophe (JMax-Hardware) - 1199.13 - no description 3. Gamer (Madshrimps Belgium OC Team) - 1234.20 - ... 1. TASOS - 21min 45sec 450ms - Pentium M 430 Celeron@3148mhz - Pentium M 430 Celeron@3148 - Mach II 2. varachio - 35min 51sec 470ms - Pentium M 540 Celeron@1862mhz - no description 3. phil - 36min 8sec 920ms - Pentium M 430 Celeron@1733mhz - no description 4. Shadow Hunter - 53min 54sec 920ms - Pentium M 370 Celeron@1496.70mhz - HP Laptop all stock SuperPi 32m Phenom II X4 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. ryba ( (Team OCX) - 663.41 - no description 2. monteboy (AwardFabrik) - 704.38 - no description 3. Phenom Phantom (Bench Tec UK) - 719.38 - no description ... 1. dread77 - 14min 39sec 170ms - Phenom II X4 940@5643mhz - ...Powered by OKTABIT!!! 2. ageorge2500 - 17min 11sec 150ms - Phenom II X4 955 BE@4117mhz - no description 3. chris k - 17min 58sec 900ms - Phenom II X4 955 BE@3935mhz - no description 4. chris_oktabit - 18min 27sec 440ms - Phenom II X4 810@3828mhz - no description SuperPi 32m Phenom X4 subranking - hall of fame - performance statistics - more 1. TiTON (Team IRONMODS) - 1170.47 - IRONMODS - AMD x4 9950 Black Edition @ 3.850Ghz. Initial Run 2. ageorge2500 (H.O.T.) - 1229.75 - no description 3. MILANS (United Team of Poland) - 1229.83 - no description ... 1. ageorge2500 - 20min 29sec 750ms - Phenom X4 9950@3587.10mhz - no description 2. viper - 20min 51sec 470ms - Phenom X4 9950@3600mhz - Phenom x4 9950BE @3600 Mhz 3. chris_oktabit - 26min 28sec 370ms - Phenom X4 9650@2703mhz - no description generated by hwbot - -