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  1. Μέσα στον μήνα αναμένεται το gaming event της NVIDIA στο οποίο η εταιρία ίσως ανακοινώσει και νέο hardware όπως την φημολογούμενη GTX 1180. Το συγκεκριμένο event είναι ιδιαίτερο για μερικούς λόγους. Αρχικά πριν από περίπου δύο μήνες ο CEO της NVIDIA, Jensen Huang ανέφερε πως η επόμενη γενιά καρτών γραφικών GeForce "απέχει αρκετό καιρό", όμως όπως όλα δείχνουν στις 20 Αυγούστου ίσως έχουμε την πρώτη αποκάλυψη. Παράλληλα product manager της Lenovo είχε προσφάτως δηλώσει πως η σειρά GTX 11 πλησιάζει μιλώντας όμως για την mobile κατηγορία προϊόντων. Τα φημολογούμενα specs της κορυφαίας του lineup GTX 1180 περιλαμβάνουν 3584 CUDA cores, χρονισμούς έως και τα 1800MHz και έως 16GB μνήμη τύπου GDDR6. Τα περισσότερα βέβαια specs κινούνται για την ώρα στη σφαίρα της φαντασίας όσων περιμένουν να αναβαθμίσουν την κάρτα γραφικών τους για ομαλό gaming σε ανάλυση 4K. Πηγή. Βρείτε μας στα Social:
  2. [NEWS_IMG=The Frankfurt Major: Τα αποτελέσματα του Τελικού][/NEWS_IMG] Το πρώτο από τα τέσσερα Major Events της Valve, Frankfurt Major 2015, έφτασε στο τέλος του, με τον πιο αναπάντεχο τρόπο που θα μπορούσε να έχει τελειώσει ποτέ ένα gaming event. Εντύπωση βέβαια προκάλεσε στην κοινότητα η τιτάνια προσπάθεια των νικητών του event OG ξεπερνώντας κάθε εμπόδιο στο Lower Bracket με έξη νίκες σερί, ανάμεσα από ομάδες που ήταν «οι νικητές», δίνοντας την χαριστική βολή στους Team Secret κατακτώντας την πρώτη θέση, βάζοντας το όνομα τους στην ιστορία του Dota 2, νικώντας το πρώτο Major Event. Η πρωτιά δεν ήταν εύκολη για τους OG, καθώς χάνοντας από τους Vega Squadron στην φάση των ομίλων, υποβιβάζονται στο Lower Bracket μαζί με άλλες οκτώ ομάδες. Όλα έδειχναν απίθανα για την ομάδα από την Ευρώπη, όμως κατάφεραν να φέρουν τα πάνω κάτω! Στον τελικό του Lower Bracket ήρθαν αντιμέτωποι με τους Evil Geniuses που εκτοπίστηκαν από τους Team Secret, κλειδώνοντας με αυτόν τον τρόπο μια θέση για τον τελικό του event. Η ομάδα από την Αμερική έβαλε τα δυνατά της. Αυτό όμως δεν ήταν αρκετό για να σταματήσουν το «τρένο» OG, στην τελική φάση του Lower Bracket, χάνοντας με 1-2 από παρόμοια επιλογή ρόστερ. Μπορεί να πήραν το πρώτο παιχνίδι οι Evil Geniuses, οι OG όμως δεν είπαν την τελευταία τους λέξη, καθώς στο δεύτερο παιχνίδι ακολουθώντας μια in-out τακτική κατάφεραν να κάνουν το 1-1, πηγαίνοντας στο τρίτο και τελευταίο παιχνίδι, οπού με την ίδια τακτική και σχεδόν ίδιο ρόστερ, κατάφεραν να πάρουν και δεύτερη νίκη από τους «Πρωταθλητές», αφήνοντας το κοινό άφωνο για το επίτευγμα που έκαναν. Οι OG έρχονται αντιμέτωποι με τα φαβορί της διοργάνωσης Team Secret, στο κατάμεστο Festahlle της Φρανκφούρτης. Σύμφωνα με το προσωπικό του ESL στην Φρανκφούρτη, το event έγινε σχεδόν sold out, γεμίζοντας τις θέσεις με θεατές και fans του αγαπημένου τους MOBA, καθώς στο twitch σημειώθηκε κινητικότητα στους viewers πάνω από 150 χιλιάδες άτομα, και στο Dota 2 In Game είχαμε άλλους 50 χιλιάδες. Επίσης 36 χιλιάδες άτομα στοιχημάτισαν πάνω από 150 χιλιάδες αντικείμενα σε στοιχηματικές σελίδες για το συγκεκριμένο παιχνίδι. Περνώντας στην τελική ευθεία, και στο κλείσιμο του πρώτου Major Event, έχουμε τους Team Secret ενάντιων OG. Οι Team Secret δείχνοντας υπεροχή από τα πρώτα κιόλας παιχνίδια που έκαναν, δεν δυσκολεύτηκαν ιδιαίτερα να φτάσουν στον τελικό, σε αντίθεση με τους OG που πέρασαν τα «χίλια μύρια» για να τα καταφέρουν ως εδώ! Την νίκη κατάφεραν να πάρουν οι OG στο τέταρτο παιχνίδι, νικώντας με 1-3 τους Team Secret. Στο πρώτο παιχνίδι βλέπουμε μια επιθετική διάθεση από τους Team Secret καθώς το ρόστερ που επέλεξαν αν και έχει πολύ καλή κινητικότητα (mobility), υστερεί πάρα πολύ στην άμυνα παίζοντας απέναντι σε ένα πιο casual θα έλεγε κάποιος ρόστερ των OG, οπού περιέχει λίγο πολύ τα πάντα. Δουλεύοντας αρμονικά και τακτικά οι OG κατάφεραν να τους νικήσουν καθώς μέσα σε 30 λεπτά κατέρριψαν όλες τις μεριές των Team Secret, δίνοντας τους την πρώτη νίκη με σκορ 12-36. Το δεύτερο παιχνίδι δεν αργεί να πάρει θέση, και οι OG αλλάζουν το μισό τους ρόστερ, κρατώντας όμως σταθερά τα Supports τους, ενώ οι Team Secret διαλέγουν αυτήν τη φορά μια in-out στρατηγική με ένα εξολοκλήρου αλλαγμένο ρόστερ. Ένα παιχνίδι για γερά νευρά μιας ώρας, με δυνατές μάχες, προσφέροντας πλούσιο θέαμα! Με τους OG να έχουν σπάσει δυο από τις τρεις μεριές τον Team Secret, ενώ οι Team Secret να είναι αρκετά πίσω στο Push, μια επιπόλαια κίνηση από τους Team Secret τους κόστισε και το δεύτερο παιχνίδι καθώς στο 64ο λεπτό ξεκίνησαν μια μάχη στο Mystic Shop τον Dire που «ήξεραν» ότι δεν πρόκειται να νικήσουν. Χάνοντας το πλεονέκτημα της άμυνας, χωρίς να χαθεί χρόνος, οι OG πέρασαν απευθείας στην αντεπίθεση από το Bottom Lane, οι Team Secret προσπάθησαν με νυχιά και με δόντια να κρατηθούν, αλλά ήταν μάταιο. Στο 65ο λεπτό λοιπόν κάλεσαν «GG» δίνοντας την δεύτερη νίκη στους OG! Στο τρίτο παιχνίδι οι ρόλοι αντιστρέφονται, το θύμα γίνεται ο θύτης και περνά στην αντεπίθεση, ακολουθώντας την τακτική του αντιπάλου από τα προηγούμενα παιχνίδια καθώς το ρόστερ τους ακούει στο in-out gameplay, θέλοντας να κλείσουν την παράσταση με 0-3. Οι Team Secret από την άλλη επιλέγουν ένα επιφυλακτικό ρόστερ με πληθώρα από Stuns και Crow Control ικανοτήτων, κάνοντας δύσκολο το παιχνίδι των OG αποσπώντας τους την νίκη. Η καθοριστική μάχη, όπως και στο προηγούμενο παιχνίδι έγινε στην μεριά των Dire, και συγκεκριμένα στα Woods πίσω από το Tier 1 Tower. Με μια θαρραλέα κίνηση από τους Team Secret, χρησιμοποιώντας έξυπνα το Smoke of Deceit, πιάσανε κυριολεκτικά στον «ύπνο» τους OG κερδίζοντας μια μάχη, που οι γνωστές του παιχνιδιού, θα έλεγαν πως ήταν ενάντια σε Bots! Με σκορ 1-2 οι ομάδες από την Ευρώπη περνάνε στο τέταρτο, και από ότι όλα έδειξαν, και τελευταίο παιχνίδι. Στο τελευταίο παιχνίδι του τελικό, το σκορ τείνει προς την μεριά των OG, όμως οι Team Secret δεν τα παρατάνε. Θέλοντας άλλη μια νίκη οι OG για να πάρουν την πρωτιά, και άλλη μια η Team Secret για να κρατηθούν, οι επιλογές των ρόστερ έγιναν με γνώμονα το mid-game, πολλά Crow Control και από τις δυο ομάδες, με τους Team Secret να κρατούν το ίδιο Core Support και Initiator. Μόλις στο 16ο λεπτό οι OG κατάφεραν να σπάσουν τα Tier 1-2 Towers από την μεσαία και κάτω γραμμή των Team Secret, περνώντας κατά πολύ μπροστά στο Push, ενώ από την μεριά τους οι Team Secret είχαν μόλις καταφέρει να ρίξουν το Tier 1 Tower από την πάνω γραμμή. Στο 24ο λεπτό οι OG με ένα μονοκόμματο push από την πάνω γραμμή και πάρα πολύ σωστό positioning, κατάφεραν να κατεδαφίσουν τα πάντα στο διάβα τους, ρίχνοντας ακόμα και τα Barracks της αντίπαλης μεριάς! Στο 29ο λεπτό ένα λάθος «Chase» κοστίζει στους Team Secret τα κάτω Barracks, και οι OG θέλουν μια σίγουρη νίκη πηγαίνοντας απευθείας στην μεσαία γραμμή, οι Team Secret δεν τα παρατάνε όμως και επιμένουν, σε μια μάχη δίχως τελειωμό και πολλά Buybacks από μεριάς τους. Πάρα τις αλλεπάλληλες προσπάθειες τους, οι Team Secret δεν μπόρεσαν να κρατηθούν, χάνοντας την μεσαία γραμμή, και πριν καν πέσουν τα Barracks να καλέσουν το «GG» στο 33ο λεπτό, δίνοντας την νίκη στους OG με σκορ 9-23, γράφοντας το όνομα τους ως η πρώτη νικητήρια ομάδα στο πρώτο Major Event! [img_alt=The Frankfurt Major: Τα αποτελέσματα του Τελικού][/img_alt] Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ...
  3. [NEWS_IMG=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/NEWS_IMG] Στο συγκεκριμένο θέμα παρουσιάζονται για πρώτη φορά οι κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 980 και GTX 970. Στις παρακάτω φωτογραφίες απεικονίζονται με αρκετή λεπτομέρεια, οι επερχόμενες κάρτες γραφικών που θα ανακοινωθούν αύριο από την "μητέρα" NVIDIA στο σχετικό gaming event που ετοιμάζει. Οι κάρτες των φωτογραφιών είναι οι GeForce GTX 980 και 970 για τις οποίες έχει γίνει αρκετός ντόρος τους τελευταίους μήνες με τις τελευταίες εβδομάδες να μας αποκαλύπτουν νέα στοιχεία για αρκετές πτυχές τους, όπως τα τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά τους, τις επιδόσεις τους, την κατανάλωση και τις προτεινόμενες τιμές τους. [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] [img_alt=Κοντινές φωτογραφίες των GTX 970, GTX 980][/img_alt] Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ...
  4. [NEWS_IMG=Η nVidia ανακοινώνει το GAME24 Gaming Event][/NEWS_IMG] Η nVidia ετοιμάζει ένα μεγάλο 24ωρο gaming event στις 18 Σεπτεμβρίου, λίγες ώρες πριν ανακοινωθούν επίσημα οι GTX 970/980. Η nVidia ανακοίνωσε το εν λόγω gaming event το οποίο θα έχει τη μορφή Livestream γι' αυτό και θεωρείται "worldwide" ενώ θα υπάρχει και σε μερικές περιοχές (Chicago, Sweeden, Los Angeles, London) απ' όπου θα μπορείτε να το επισκεφθείτε. Το event είναι ολοήμερο και τοποθετείται μια ημέρα - η καλύτερα 24 ώρες- πρίν την επίσημη ανακοίνωση των GeForce GTX 980 και GTX 970 Maxwell GPUs. Επίσης το VideoCardz βρήκε από το site της nVidia το Twitter has-tag #maxwelliscoming το οποίο ενδέχεται να συνοδέψει το release των καρτών. [img_alt=Η nVidia ανακοινώνει το GAME24 Gaming Event][/img_alt] Διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ...
  5. [NEWS_IMG=HwBox 1st O.M.G. Event 2012: The Report (ENG)][/NEWS_IMG]HwBox was established back in 2007, aiming to become the best hardware & overclocking site in Greece. Driven by constant effort and passion for work, but above all being a tight group of people, were the main ingredients that eventually led to its birth. After 5 interesting years, which were distinguished by various economic and political events in Greece, HwBox is still around and kicking, equipped with more willingness than ever. Constituted of people who are well into liquid nitrogen, hardware and overclocking, HwBox keeps you constantly informed about the latest technology news and all the hardware componenents that you'd like to use in your future system builds. Not only the members but also the visitors of HwBox undoubtly share common interests - hardware and PCs. Our community managed to be joyful and "alive" because of all you, who ceaselessly support us with new modding projects, overclocking by people of different age groups, conversations regarding upcoming hardware, excquisite PC Games and much more. Therefore we thought it was high time you all took a break from the weird course of events taking place lately in Greece. Noticing that never before something that big was planned ahead, HwBox in cooperation with OMIROS Group of Business & Technology Studies, recently held the first O.M.G Event. An event that literally had everything: Overclocking, Modding, Gaming and more than 285 gifts that were given out to the public. The main ingredients of the O.M.G Event were: Overclocking, Modding & Gaming. Each one of them was taking place in a seperate floor in order for the public to thorougly understand what it's about. Each one of them had its own "leading actors", its own happenings and its own surprises. Thus the visitors were given the chance to chat directly with the best of the best in each floor, exchange opinions with other visitors and finally understand why exactly all these hobbies are of utmost importance to HwBox. Admittedly the event was a great success. Hosting more than a 1000 visitors throughout the day, we felt compelled to prepare a proper report full of photos and facts, in order to transfer the pulse of the first O.M.G Event to everybody out there. That way, whoever was unable to attend will understand what the fuss was all about, and whoever was present, will recall the pleasant moments that they experienced first hand. Are you ready? [img_ALT=HwBox 1st O.M.G. Event 2012: The Report (ENG)][/img_ALT] [break=Overclocking] [img_alt=HwBox 1st O.M.G. Event 2012: The Report][/img_alt] Overclocking. An idea that went viral in the early 90's, by experienced gamers who didn't have the required amount of money for proper system upgrades and therefore decided to squeeze every bit of potential left in their humble PCs. In Greek it's referred to as υπερχρονισμός and can be interpreted as the operation of different PC parts at frequencies higher than the stock ones. If we had to compare overclocking to another extreme sport, we would definitely have to admit that it bears a strong resemblance to car racing (dragster). Why? Because dragster drivers only care about the highest performance and the lowest pass-time possible, such as overclockers tend to do with their systems and benchmarks respectively. Going into further detail, overclocking is associated with the cpu, the motherboard, the RAM memory and the graphics card. Up to a certain point, increasing the frequencies of the above mentioned subsystems is possible without raising their voltages as well. However overclocking went incredibly viral in no time. Aiming for the highest operating frequencies, overclockers faced a huge obstacle, that being temperature. That's why they began using alternative cooling methods, starting from aftermarket air-cooling, water-cooling and TECs and going all the way up to more extreme ones, like dry ice, cascade phase change builds and liquid nitrogen, what was used in the event by the way. A simple air-cooler allows the componenets to operate at 40*C or 50*C for example. However, liquid nitrogen can allow temperatures as low as -190*C. <center><iframe width="950" height="800" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src=""></iframe></center> We invited 8 overclockers, along with 360L of liquid nitrogen and expensive hardware, aiming to take down World Records. Entering the overclocking floor, one would notice four systems operating at temperatures well below zero degrees celsius and 8 overclockers commanding them. Let's meet them all one by one: 1st Setup Overclockers: CHAOS & Timoleros Hardware: Intel Core i7 3770K, Gigabyte G1.Sniper 3, 2x2GB Kingston 2800MHZ KHX2800C11D3T1K2/4X, MSI GTX560 Ti Hawk and Corsair AX 1200W Having already tested the CPU with liquid nitrogen, Timoleros knew the system limits but due to having to cope with the organization of the event as well, he let crio on the wheel. CHAOS was carefully pouring LN2 into the CPU pot - in other words he was controlling the LN2 flow so that the system never coldbugs. In spite of the high-potential CPU, the graphics card would not cooperate because it didn't have the correct cold slow BIOS. Even if the circumstances were not beneficial for them, crio & CHAOS tried to bench 3DMark05, a benchmark that mostly relies on CPU power. Yeap, you understood correctly. The world record was right around the corner and our overclockers did not let it go away! They crushed the 3DMark05 WR for the GTX 560 Ti category. 2nd Setup Overclockers: Stelaras & Aristidis Hardware: Intel Core i7 3770K, Gigabyte Z77X-UD5H, 2x2GB Kingston 2800MHZ KHX2800C11D3T1K2/4X, MSI GTX560 Ti Hawk and Corsair AX 1200W. Later the overclockers used a reference Radeon HD 7970 in order to crush the global 3DMark03 World Record. The first CPU that Aristidis and Stelios tried out did not have a lot of potential. Despite operating flawlessly at -185*C with absolutely no coldbug, the CPU could not be overclocked at frequencies higher than 6.4GHz. Given their experience from years of overclocking and participating in overclocking competitions all around the world, the dynamic duo decided to quickly swap the CPU with another one. Fortunately the second CPU did more than 6.4GHz and therefore gave them the opportunity to aim for even greater scores! At first they performed some tests with the MSI GTX 560 Ti Hawk at lower temperatures, learned its behavior and managed to overclock it up to 1400/1200MHz. World Records suddenly became an easy target. They crushed 5 of them - 3DMark2001 SE, 3DMark03, 3DMark05, 3DMark06 and AquaMark. Without losing time and knowing that they still have more LN2 at hand, they used Aristidis's golden reference HD 7970, the one that Stelaras modified so that the voltage is externally fed via the EVGA E-Power PCB. With the help of E-Power, the VGA did not face any OCP or Vdroop problems whatsoever, plus it could be fed with as much Vgpu as our overclockers wanted. Starting from 1650MHz, they casually worked their way up to 1780MHz core, and to be honest everyone was taken aback by the thrilling potential this particular HD 7970 showed. After one and a half hour of constant endeavors, Stelaras and Aristidis took down another WR (a global one this time). We're talking about 214257 Marks with the HD 7970 @ 1780/2050MHz and the 3770K @ 6468MHz. <center><iframe width="950" height="800" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src=""></iframe></center> 3rd Setup Overclockers: mortisboy & phil Hardware: Intel Core i7 3770K, Gigabyte G1.Sniper 3, 2x2GB Kingston 2800MHZ KHX2800C11D3T1K2/4X, 2x Sapphire Radeon HD 7970 and Corsair AX 1200W. Whoever has LN2 experience, knows first hand that it's not even remotely easy to control a setup with LN2 pots on both the CPU and the graphics cards. Especially when it comes to a live event, where so much is going on simultaneously and the overclocker's concentration is at stake. At the beginning of the day, mortisboy and phil faced a lot of issues - first it was the video cards, then the CPU, then the RAMs. And when they thought they've seen it all, 3DMark 11 started experiencing problems out of the blue. The MHz were there, but the performance wasn't, so the 3DMark 11 benchmark results did not go as planned. Nevertheless our overclockers were not let down - instead the kept on pushing more persistently. After several hours of benchmarking, the processor operated fully stable at 6033MHz, the Kingston HyperX memories at 2700MHz CL11 and the two Sapphire HD 7970 at 1500/1900MHz. It was now time for Unigine. Kostas and Philipas filled some more LN2 thermoses and decided to go for Unigine Heaven, which is considered one of the most difficult benchmarks for DX11 graphics cards. Moments later we heard cheering and applause, because one more world record was destroyed. The old Unigine Heaver WR now belonged to the past, as phil and mortisboy got 6356 Marks - jumping to the top of the rankings. 4th Setup Overclockers: Tiltevros & Dinos111 Hardware: Intel Core i7 3770K, Gigabyte Z77X-UD5H, 2x4GB Kingston 1866MHZ KHX1866C9D3T1BK2/8GX, 8 x Kingston HyperX 3K SSD, MSI R7970 Lightning and Corsair AX 1200W. Last but not least we have Dinos111 and Tiltevros. Dinos has always been known for his great PCMark results - years ago hipro5 called him a PCMark 05 professor because of all the superb efficiency his results always had. Tiltevros is a new extreme overclocker and recently started "playing" with liquid nitrogen. But his speciality are controllers and SSDs, he is absolutely crazy about them! So our storage freaks focused on PCMark Vantage and specifically aimed for the 4-core World Record. Having the proper knowledge on how to make the 8 Kingston SSDs cooperate seamlessly with the controller, they gradually started raising system MHz untill they reached a rock stable frequency for PCMark Vantage. As we all expected they crushed the PCMark Vantage WR, proving once more that they KNOW their storage arrays and tweaks. Should we mention that the previous WR was 41956 Marks, while Dinos and Evripidis managed to reach 48892 Marks? Zafiropo is also depicted in some photos - unfortunately he had to work overtime so he didn't overclock with Dinos and Tiltevros, but still helped as much as he could. After all, don't forget that zafiropo is the current PCMark Vantage single-core CPU World Record holder! <center><iframe width="950" height="800" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src=""></iframe></center> Taking all the above-mentioned into consideration, we think it's an undisputed fact that Greece has strong representatives in the overclocking field. People who know very well what liquid nitrogen means, people who know how to reach the system to its limits, who know about tweaking and are not solely based on raw clocks in order to achieve a score. But moreover, people who have learned how to operate like a team, helping each other in every way and always aim for the best possible outcome. In the past, we've noticed a lot of overclockers complaining about how exorbitantly expensive overclocking is, how difficult it is to keep up and that some individuals only manage to produce scores because their financial situation is allowing them to. Greece has proved once more that it has the guts, the knowledge and the potential to further improve in the field and generate even greater scores. We are talking about 10 world records - they couldn't go unnoticed. Congratulations to our overclockers! Congratulations to everyone who helped in order to achieve this excellent outcome in the overclocking floor. Be patient, we do have some more surprises on the way! [break=Modding] [img_alt=HwBox 1st O.M.G. Event 2012: The Report][/img_alt] As we mentioned in the original PR, the O.M.G Event was not only about the first and foremost ingredient of HwBox (overclocking), but also about Modding and Gaming. As far as modding is concerned, HwBox gave the opportunity to all Greek modders out there to bring in their modded cases to the event, and participate in the contest in order to win great prizes! Although the number of participants wasn't large, their work showed otherwise. Not only the visitors, but also the Intel Hellas committee, were absolutely taken aback by the quality and detailed job showcased. When willingness meets persistance and technical skills, stock cases become seemingly boring, therefore modders take over. After using various tools and devoting several hours of their precious personal time, modders manage to completely change the appearence of a case, not only in terms of exterior lifting, but inside compartments as well! The challenges that a modder has to face are literally a lot - but it's the final outcome and people's recognition that justify his work and make his future endeavors even more daring. <center><iframe width="950" height="800" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src=""></iframe></center> Barfastic, Jason, Divo, PinwmpireS and mofori were the contestants who brought their creations along and afterwards were judged by the visitors's votes (50%) and by the Intel Hellas committee (50%). Divo's GOD DIVA project gathered the most votes and won first place and an Intel 520 240GB SSD. Mofori took the second place with his Racing Bit modded case and thus won an Xilence Interceptor Pro. Barfastic came in third with his VulcanE and Tainted Freslhy Squeezed (not fully complete) winning a Cooler Master CM 690 II Advanced BW, Jason came in fourth with his ΑΤΟΜική Μπύρα Heineken and the TJ07 White Stone Modd projects, winning a CM Storm Enforcer and PinwmpireS came in fifth with his MSIDIA Edition case, winning an Xilence 750W PSU. <center><iframe width="950" height="800" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src=""></iframe></center> George - Κοπρίτης - SlackerXL was also present at the event - after all he wouldn't miss it for the world. His creations are not only famous in Greece, but also abroad, as he has won foreign modding competitions as well. In the event we witnessed his racing LianLi P80 C-Spec, his HEC 6A19 Hotrod, his well-known MPC-01 and his leopard LianLi v1000 Kinky standing on high heels (for the ladies). What's even better is that visitors had the chance to get to know SlackerXL and the rest of the modders in person, discuss with them about their creations, ask them anything the wanted and learn a lot about modding in general. It's pretty rare to witness all these great modders all together in one place simultaneously, and we are really happy for all the visitors who took advantage of this chance and honored the modders. <center><iframe width="950" height="800" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src=""></iframe></center> Last but not least, right next to the modding room, one could spot six graphic designers who study at IEK OMIROS. They were given four stock cases and then challenged to change their appearence and paint them in real time. The whole procedure was held live and after voting, the best case won a brand new Intel Core i5 Ultrabook! Afterwards, all four cases were filled with hardware from Intel and Oktabit and then were donated to the N.P.O "Frodida", that helps children with various types of diseases. We thought that our humble move could help all these childern who don't have access to computers and make them forget a bit about their problems. We wish all the best to the N.P.O "Frodida" and we wholeheartedly thank them for what they are doing! <center><iframe width="950" height="800" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src=""></iframe></center> [break=Gaming] [img_alt=HwBox 1st O.M.G. Event 2012: The Report][/img_alt] And here we are at the gaming floor, where the preparations began on Friday's morning. Mortisboy and Astalavista configured all the PCs so as the preparations for the streaming area from and the installation of Call of Duty from, successfully begin. Despite a lot of mishaps, leading us to build the last PC only a few hours before the event, in the end everything ran smoothly and the floor was more than ready to welcome the gamers and the public on time. The attendees were able to spectate the top Greek Call of Duty 4 Promod players, working their way up in the leader board via several 5v5 rounds. The competition was constituted of four teams: Team - Refuse, x9 - Syndrome, OLS (OLd School) and OMG. On the first round x9 defeated OMG by a devastating 13-3, whilst Refuse beat OLS by 13-7. After two more rounds, one of the x9 vs OLS (13-8) and one of the Refuse vs OMG, the league phase was successfully completed. In the small final, OLS defeated OMG on an adrenaline pumping round which ended on a 13-10 score. That lead to the big match of the day, between x9 and Refuse, which went on until 01:30 am and turned out to be in favor of x9 (13-4). It was an exhausting day and the final rankings was as follows: 1) x9 - Syndrome 2) Team - Refuse 3) OLS 4) OMG But there was no actual loser in this cup, every team was rewarded a lot of Logitech goodies and we like to believe that every gamer participated and every spectator had a great time. Kudos to the teams that were up for the job, since the small final was finished by 23:00 so it was a rather long day for all of them. <center><iframe width="950" height="800" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src=""></iframe></center> [break=Roof Party & The End] [img_alt=HwBox 1st O.M.G. Event 2012: The Report][/img_alt] Throughout the event, a Roof Garden Party was taking place on the roof of the building. Drinks, refreshments, buffet and DJs were there, for everyone to enjoy, untill 20:00 when the main event was supposed to finish, but the Roof Garden Party went on gladly, further than that. <center><iframe width="950" height="800" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src=""></iframe></center> It has been over 5 months since the idea of the O.M.G. Event was initially conceived and it was all over now! The preparations had it all: Joy, laughter, creativity, discussions, tension, frustration and certainly a lot of hard work, but it was all worth it. On Friday, a day before the event, the building underwent a full redecoration and after a lot of troubleshooting (especially on the gaming floor) we finished at 01:30 am. On the actual day of the event, we gathered at 08:00 am and the time literally flew by. Sunday was the day of wrapping up and tiding the IEK OMIROS building in order to return it at a respectable condition back to it's students, but we were more than happy to tidy things up due to the help of friends and the good after-party atmosphere. The end result was more than satisfying. <center><iframe width="950" height="800" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src=""></iframe></center> It's high time we wholeheartedly thanked the OMIROS Group of Business & Technology Studies for accomodating us and being helpful in every possible way. We especially thank Mr. George Makryplidis who believed in us and helped us make our dream come true. Nowadays, it's rather hard to find people who will support your goals and turn them into actions. A special thanks goes to Timoleros (Timos) who was, literally, everywhere to help, before, throughout and after the event. Furthermore, we would like to thank the entire HwBox team for its valuable help on numerous occasions, that was responsible for the CoD Server setup, for the livestream coverage, all the modders, the overclockers and the gamers who participated and supported the event. We'd also like to thank George - Kopritis - SlackerXL and his brother for helping on the modding floor and Lefteris - Darksaga - for the photo coverage of the event, all day long. Last, but certainly not least, a big thanks goes to the companies who believed and supported us by providing both marketing material for the event and many gifts for the public. Lots of thanks goes to Intel - for sponsoring the modding floor, coming up with the idea of cases being painted in real time and on top of that, providing the SSDs, the CPUs and the controllers of the overclocking floor. Along with Intel, we would like to thank Oktabit for the cases and the pc parts for the four towers of the modding floor which will go to the N.P.O. "Frodida". Moreover, many thanks goes to: - Samsung for all the monitors - Gigabyte for the motherboards and the promotional material which made a lot of people happy - Kingston for the SSDs, RAMs, the redheads and all the gifts - Corsair for the PSUs, SSDs and the mice. - Logitech for the numerous prizes given in the gaming floor - MSI for the graphics card on the overclocking floor - Sapphire for the 4x HD7970 - Cooler Master for the cases, the PSUs, the benchtables and the gifts - Xilence & Sunelectronics for the cases, PSUs and the fans - OCZ for the RevoDrive 3 X2 - SuperCase Hellas for the huge amound of gifts - for the gifts - AverMedia & CPU Wars for the gifts - MSystems for the big gift of the event and the whole support Furthermore, we absolutely have to thank Dimitri - Duracell - Karetso (dimcar) who presented the event. His positive energy kept the crowd interested and joyful! And of course, we would like to thank you all, lads. Every attendee, every person who helped and everyone who did their part to support our effort. Be sure that we took notice of every mishap and complaints that was risen and we will use that feedback, to become better in the second O.M.G. Event. It was our first endeavor and we guarantee to be even better on our next one, since we are considering to make O.M.G. an annual event. We sincerely hope you had a good time and enjoyed yourselves as much as we did. Until next year. Stay tuned. Stay HwBoxed.